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President joe biden

yeah, GA and PA are both already going to have recounts and GA/PA/MI/AZ/NV are all having lawsuits, so it will be a long drawn out process.

i'm surprised the media is jumping on calling it rather than saying "we will have to see what happens with the courts"

but, if it stands, i was looking forward to fighting trump for 4 more years and will have to resign myself to fighting biden for 4 more years :laughing: doesn't change much, will cost a bunch more
Project junkie has a fifteen inch cock.

Don't like it? It's the truth, cuz I said it.


see you in the supreme court.

it took 36 days before gore/ bush was ruled
Voting by the people does not matter. If you actually read the Constitution the States can appoint electors however they choose. There is no requirement to conduct an election.
LoL if you think it's over, you're sadly mistaken...this will drag on for months.

True, but it will still be Biden. Well, when I say Biden I mean Harris.

So, we lost the Senate and House too? I reading that right? That's kind of shitty.

Meh, let it all burn. I'm so done caring about this whole thing.
Voting by the people does not matter. If you actually read the Constitution the States can appoint electors however they choose. There is no requirement to conduct an election.

But we have to wait until mid December for that to happen.

Rig for heavy rolls if you are following the election, it's going to get interesting.
I predict massive advancements in azhimer's research and treatments in the next 4 years.
And just like that, schools in my area have announced they will re-open in January. :lmao: Got the email this morning :rolleyes:

covid was always going to end after the election, just like the riots.

it just happens sooner if trump is out of office. TRUST THE (social)SCIENCE!

which, i honestly believe had a bigger impact than many things. "yup, he sucks, but if i vote for biden it might appease the rioting mobs and end the state lockdowns" <---now for the fun part, let's see how true that actually is!

because it was never about your health and it was never about black life.
True, but it will still be Biden. Well, when I say Biden I mean Harris.

So, we lost the Senate and House too? I reading that right? That's kind of shitty.

Meh, let it all burn. I'm so done caring about this whole thing.

still haven't seen any numberwise shift in the senate, on track to remain GOP control

last i checked, the GOP gained 6 seats in the house
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