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PREDICTION: Democrats will pack/stack the U.S. Supreme Court

why not. Nobody is stopping them from doing anything. They are 1000% driving the narrative and every day they add new adjectives to make this worse than it was and the MSM is eating it up. Torching buildings and taking over and burning a police station is a protest but someone sitting in pelosi's desk is an armed riot trying to overthrow the entire US Gov.

I think everyone was right. The last election was the most important one in the history of this country. I think this country will be fundamentally changed in the next 4 years. And personally I don't like the direction it is taking.
Biden has stated he's against it. It's a terrible fucking idea. Every new administration that's a change of party would be pushing to add more justices to create a majority for them.
Biden has stated he's against it. It's a terrible fucking idea. Every new administration that's a change of party would be pushing to add more justices to create a majority for them.

the real question is what do the people who are working biden like a puppet think.
Fine. Let them pack the supreme court. By the end of the decade there will be about 400 supreme court justices appointed by both parties.
Why? Everyone the president nominated turned on him and became democrats... well, except Cleon and well, yeah.:lmao::lmao::lmao:
The new, most powerful man in the Senate, Joe Manchin keeps vowing he will not vote to end the filibuster. They’d need to kill the filibuster to pack the courts. If Manchin plays his cards right he could run against Harris in 4 years as a Republican on a platform of giving voice to the normal Americans.


Oh... I see all sorts of stupid shit coming in the next two years

And I’ll be shocked if Joe is still in the Oval Office in two years :stirthepot:

I give him 1 year before "something" happens and camilla has to take over
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Biden has stated he's against it. It's a terrible fucking idea. Every new administration that's a change of party would be pushing to add more justices to create a majority for them.

HoHarris will be President. She's stupid enough to do what the Socialist say. Lets get this war going.
I give him 1 year before "something" happens and camilla has to take over

They will slowly take him off of his meds that keep him mostly lucid. Once Nancy discovered the 25th amendment she’s been chomping at the bit to use it.
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Won't happen. Risk vs reward just isn't there. Especially with all the shit they get away with without having to do it.
Why pack the SCOTUS when you've successfully weaponized half the ABC agencies, can legislate through EO, and the current SCOTUS refuses to review tons of shit. Nevermind that the current Court really isn't that conservative. It's a slight majority and even then some of the conservative side are relatively moderate.

Then factor in what they've gotten away with in regards to election fraud. Plus the slew of billionaires and corporate America pumping billions into Red states to flip them, billions into PACs even though they constantly pretend Citizen's United is some GOP plot to rig elections. Plus the media control.

What does packing the SCOTUS really get them at this point?
The fact that this is even on the table is scary. I used to think that the commerce clause was our founders biggest fawk up. Giving congress the ability to define by simple majority vote the makeup of what is supposed to be an independent branch of government is worse. Literally placing the lunatics in charge of the asylum.
Change my mind. :flipoff2:

There is absolutely nothing stopping them. Period.
Won’t happen because it is career suicide. Enough democrats believe in the Supreme Court to vote against, or not vote for, a Democrat who stacks the highest court. Plus they get it done through E.O. or blame Republicans and the media HOA with everything being Republican’s fault.
The republicans should rally behind it with the caveat that the republican house leader appoints the new justices. Watch it fall flat.


Democrats Introduce Bill to Expand Supreme Court, but Reception Is Tepid​


April 15, 2021 Updated: April 16, 2021
A group of Democrats on Thursday unveiled their bill to expand the Supreme Court, but party leaders showed little support and Republicans assailed the proposal as radical.
The “Judiciary Act of 2021” would add four seats to the nation’s top court, effectively flipping the balance from 6–3 in favor of conservative-appointed justices to 7–6 in the opposite direction.
The rationale fueling the proposal is that Republicans confirmed Justice Amy Coney Barrett after Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died last year. The GOP broke no rules or laws, but some Democrats were bitter that they did not hold the seat open for whoever won the 2020 election.
“Republicans stole the Court’s majority, with Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation completing their crime spree,” Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) said in a statement. “This legislation will restore the Court’s balance and public standing and begin to repair the damage done to our judiciary and democracy.”
Markey introduced the bill with Reps. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), Hank Johnson (D-Ga.), and Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.).
The representatives tried taking another angle on the proposal. Thirteen seats, they said, would match up well with the 13 circuit courts.
Top Democrats, though, showed lukewarm support for the proposal.
“I have no plans to bring it to the floor,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters in Washington, as she voiced support for President Joe Biden’s commission to study possible changes to the court.
“I just heard about it. I’m not ready to sign on yet. I think this commission of Biden is the right move,” Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), the Senate majority whip, added.
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), one of the most moderate Senate Democrats, said separately Thursday that he opposes expanding the court.
Epoch Times PhotoThe Supreme Court of the United States in Washington on May 7, 2019. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)
Republicans decried the proposal as one of a number of Democrat attacks on institutions, including efforts to eliminate the filibuster.
“Last week, President Biden, who was marketed to the country as a moderate and an institutionalist, jumped in with both feet, set up a pseudo-academic commission to study the merits of packing the Supreme Court, just an attempt to close this transparent power play in fake legitimacy. But, alas, the far-left cannot even wait for the fake theatrics of the fake study to play out,” Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on the Senate floor.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) accused Democrats of promoting a “plan to dismantle a government institution in pursuit of their socialist agenda.”
“Never in my time in politics did I ever believe they would go this far,” he added in his weekly press conference on Capitol Hill. “I question: is there a moderate Democrat left in the party?”
A counterproposal was introduced by Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) earlier this week. His constitutional amendment proposal would limit the number of justices to nine.
Congress can adjust the number of seats on the Supreme Court with legislation, but it has been at nine seats since 1869. The last major effort to change the number, by President Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, was rejected in 1937 by Congress.
Democrats face an uphill battle in getting the bill passed. Their already-slim majority in the House shrunk to six seats with the swearing-in of Rep. Julia Letlow (R-La.), while they hold control of the Senate only through the ability of Vice President Kamala Harris to cast tiebreaking votes. A single defection such as Manchin means they would have to convince at least one Republican to join them, which is widely seen as unlikely.
Still, sponsors tried putting a positive spin on the dim prospects.
Jones told reporters in Washington he “would have been shocked” if Pelosi had immediately backed the bill, claiming he would not have wanted that because he and the other proponents have not had a chance to speak with fellow Democrats about the legislation.
“The Supreme Court will continue to render down terrible decisions out of step with the American public and we will continue to, I think, see the Democratic caucus unified behind this in the House, in the Senate,” he said.
The only way that this will get traction is if they actually work at it from a bipartisan approach. They have to agree that they hate Trump's appointments, and the only way to undo their conservative views is to split the additional appointments between Rs and Ds. They will add 4. Two will be extremely liberal Ds. The other two will be less liberal Rs.
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