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Prayers for Ron Paul... possible stroke


Picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue
May 21, 2020
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Ron Paul, a former Texas congressman, presidential candidate and the father of Sen. Rand Paul, suffered an apparent stroke-like illness in the middle of a livestream Friday afternoon.

Paul, 85, who was live-streaming his weekday “Liberty Report” broadcast on YouTube, has been hospitalized for “precautionary” reasons, Fox News reported.

“Message from Ron Paul: “I am doing fine. Thank you for your concern,” he tweeted just before three p.m. — alongside a photo of him in a hospital bed, smiling and giving a thumb’s up.

A clip of the disturbing medical episode was first tweeted out by the outlet Intelwave.

The live episode may have been a blessing in disguise, the outlet added in a subsequent tweet.

“Echoing the sentiment of one of my associates, I’m glad it happened live where someone noticed immediately and could get him medical help rather than it happening and him only being found hours later,” the tweet said.

The Libertarian and former obstetrician ran for president three times.

Paul was in the middle of talking about “free market economists” when he begins to slur his words, according to saved clips of the live stream.

“We have to get rid of that and it’s a burd — a burd,” he struggles to say before his speech becomes unintelligible.

The YouTube stream was quickly taken down afterward.
Supposedly he is doing "ok" now.... but who knows what is going on

Hope he has a speedy recovery! Good thing it happened live like the article said.
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