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portland state of emergency declaired


Refugee from syrup
May 19, 2020
Member Number
East Coast
Wonder what affect this will have on the peaceful protesters?


PORTLAND, Ore. — An Emergency Declaration was announced by Mayor Wheeler in the city of Portland due to the extreme threat of fire on Thursday.

As of Friday morning, there were 38 fires burning across Oregon and southwest Washington being exacerbated by high winds and dry conditions. The resulting smoke caused air quality issues in many places around both states. The weather conditions, coupled with the fact that Portland is short on firefighting resources because many of them have been sent to help fight fires across the state, the mayor’s office declared a State of Emergency.

The Declaration calls for several things:
  • A State of Emergency
  • The Closure of city-owned outdoor properties: This includes all outdoor parks, natural areas, forested parks and other locations. They are closed to the general public except as may be necessary for the City to respond to the danger of a fire if it would arise.
  • Protecting the city’s houseless population: The Director of the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management or a designee will direct houseless people to relocate as quickly as possible to safer areas in the city.
  • Creating evacuation sites: The city will activate evacuation sites for fire victims or those displaced by the threat of fires.
  • Making financial resources available: The Director of the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management will pursue any and all available financial resources that can be used to protect and promote the public health, safety and welfare from the threats of smoke and fire.

The Emergency Declaration will remain in effect through Thursday, September 24 unless it is extended. As of Thursday, there were no evacuation notices in Multnomah County.

Read the full Emergency Declaration here.
Hopefully town hall burns and all the businesses are left intact.
Sounds like a money grab. They made their own bed. It is just unfortunate that the general population has to deal with these people and the fallout allowed by the local and state government.
Systematic racism is a far greater public health hazard than a wildfire, so protesting gets an exemption.
No shit, they had people burning buildings in town and murdering innocent people, but now the trees on fire is an emergency? :rolleyes:
Sounds like a money grab. They made their own bed. It is just unfortunate that the general population has to deal with these people and the fallout allowed by the local and state government.

if a state of emergency isn't declared then the federal dollars don't happen.
both for aid to the state and the fema disaster dollars for individuals.
Sounds like a money grab. They made their own bed. It is just unfortunate that the general population has to deal with these people and the fallout allowed by the local and state government.

Every time. When you hear "state of emergency" it's always about money. Often comes at the expense of your loss of freedom.
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