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Portland being over tear gas use.

Fuck around and find out...except they found out and now they are crying to their moms that life isn't fair!
Fuck around and find out...except they found out and now they are crying to their moms that life isn't fair!

Something else the taxpayers will end up eating besides paying to rebuild the entire fucking city. :rolleyes:
Pillsbury said she can’t draw a direct connection between substances found at high levels in catch basins and crowd control munitions “because these contaminants are associated with many daily activities and urban runoff.”

And that pretty much says it all, I.E. "All this shit happens everyday but now we're going to cry about it now because it suits our cause."
Many call it “the poo filled Willemetta” for a reason...

I’m sure a little cry gas residual won’t be much of a issue, especially with the amount of rain that area sees.
There is a strong commonality with these "protests". They record the "stage up" where they pretend they are peaceful and making reasonable arguments. They attack people who are recording them while they are probing and pressing their opponents to conflict. Once there is any response, they start recording again while screaming "WHY? WAHT ARE YOU DOING? YOU SHOULD NEVER TOUCH/ASSAULT A ...." The vids are out there and these idiots dont understand that once a file goes online, it never goes away.
can the feds sue the city council for allowing the riots to continue?

that's the reasoning behind the "anarchy" designation of Portland, means they can suspend federal funding, which will be pretty significant over the next couple years
Just tell them, "Ok no more chemical "weapons", we will just start using real bullets so we can collect them from the bodies in the morgue and then they won't contaminate the rivers".
that's the reasoning behind the "anarchy" designation of Portland, means they can suspend federal funding, which will be pretty significant over the next couple years

Now this sounds interesting.

What exactly are you talking about and what type of impacts are you implying?
that's the reasoning behind the "anarchy" designation of Portland, means they can suspend federal funding, which will be pretty significant over the next couple years

With a city as wealthy as portland, why would they need federal funding for anything? If they want to setup their communist utopia and the local taxpayers want to self fund it, go for it, keep federal money out of it. As long as you are adhearing to the basic rights laid out in the bill of rights, go for it.

Same goes for if some city wants to set up an evangelical jesus zone or something like that.
I must be the only one to agree. Tear gas is awful for the environment. It’s killing baby chickens and lambs.

There’s only one way to go about this...

Substitute live ammo for tear gas. :flipoff2:
Now this sounds interesting.

What exactly are you talking about and what type of impacts are you implying?


The U.S. Department of Justice today identified the following three jurisdictions that have permitted violence and destruction of property to persist and have refused to undertake reasonable measures to counteract criminal activities: New York City; Portland, Oregon; and Seattle, Washington


“When state and local leaders impede their own law enforcement officers and agencies from doing their jobs, it endangers innocent citizens who deserve to be protected, including those who are trying to peacefully assemble and protest,” said Attorney General William P. Barr. “We cannot allow federal tax dollars to be wasted when the safety of the citizenry hangs in the balance. It is my hope that the cities identified by the Department of Justice today will reverse course and become serious about performing the basic function of government and start protecting their own citizens.”


Portland, Oregon
  • This month, Portland marked 100 consecutive nights of protests marred by vandalism, chaos, and even killing.
  • Those bent on violence regularly started fires, threw projectiles at law enforcement officers, and destroyed property. Numerous law enforcement officers, among others, suffered injury.
  • Shootings increased by more than 140% in June and July 2020 compared to the same period last year.
  • In the midst of this violence, the Portland City Council cut $15 million from the police bureau, eliminating 84 positions. Crucially, the cuts included the Gun Violence Reduction Team, which investigates shootings, and several positions from the police team that responds to emergency incidents.
  • In August, Portland Mayor Wheeler sent a letter to President Trump expressly rejecting the Administration’s offer of federal law enforcement to stop the violent protests.


SUBJECT: Reviewing Funding to State and Local Government Recipients of Federal Funds That Are Permitting Anarchy, Violence, and Destruction in American CitiesBy the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. It is the policy and purpose of the United States Government to protect the lives and property of all people in the United States from unlawful acts of violence and destruction. Without law and order, democracy cannot function. Americans cannot exercise their rights, including their rights to peaceful expression, assembly, and protest. Property is destroyed, and innocent citizens are injured or killed.

The Federal Government provides States and localities with hundreds of billions of dollars every year, which fund a wide array of programs, such as housing, public transportation, job training, and social services. These funds have been collected from American taxpayers who entrusted their money to the Federal Government to serve our communities and our citizens.

My Administration will not allow Federal tax dollars to fund cities that allow themselves to deteriorate into lawless zones. To ensure that Federal funds are neither unduly wasted nor spent in a manner that directly violates our Government’s promise to protect life, liberty, and property, it is imperative that the Federal Government review the use of Federal funds by jurisdictions that permit anarchy, violence, and destruction in America’s cities.


Full disclosure, this article is from 2017 when 'sanctuary city' was the issue, but the numbers will be similar

How much federal money could Portland lose if Pres. Trump pulls funding?

So how much funding could Portland lose out on if Pres. Trump were to cut off federal and state grants?

The city's 2015 to 2016 fiscal year budget was $3.7 billion. Of that, almost $49 million came from federal and state grants. Some state grants are included in that number because sometimes that money comes from federal sources.

Officials with the city's Office of Management and Finance say that number's a little larger this year too because of the $9 million in FEMA funds due to a declared state of emergency in 2015.

It all shakes out to 1.3 percent of the city's budget.

yeah, so 1.3 % isn't a whole helluva lot, but it is not insignificant and the impetus behind it is valid.
With a city as wealthy as portland, why would they need federal funding for anything? If they want to setup their communist utopia and the local taxpayers want to self fund it, go for it, keep federal money out of it. As long as you are adhearing to the basic rights laid out in the bill of rights, go for it.

Same goes for if some city wants to set up an evangelical jesus zone or something like that.

which is something i'm pretty OK with. sucks for Portlanders, but as they say, sucks to suck
Have you talked to any LEO’s lately? They’d probably prefer bullets than bean bags and tear gas. Pretty sure everyone is fed up with this garbage.

Yep, a neighbor of mine is a cop. The horrific riots and mass destruction of entire cities thing? Not really happening in the way it's being depicted. None of them are all that large or destructive.

Even then massacring entire crowds is what the Chinese do, not us. I do love the internet tough guy "somebody should go shoot all those people because I don't like them" crap around here though.
can the feds sue the city council for allowing the riots to continue?


And then they can get an injunction from a Court for temporary authority, which will go to SCOTUS and maybe be backed up by them.
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Yep, a neighbor of mine is a cop. The horrific riots and mass destruction of entire cities thing? Not really happening in the way it's being depicted. None of them are all that large or destructive.

Even then massacring entire crowds is what the Chinese do, not us. I do love the internet tough guy "somebody should go shoot all those people because I don't like them" crap around here though.

I’d bet money most of us here put our money where our mouth is if those assholes showed up to destroy OUR property. I know I’d be flinging lead before they trashed my home. You can count on it.
I’d bet money most of us here put our money where our mouth is if those assholes showed up to destroy OUR property. I know I’d be flinging lead before they trashed my home. You can count on it.

Well if it comes to that, that's quite a different story from what has been going on so far.
I’d bet money most of us here put our money where our mouth is if those assholes showed up to destroy OUR property. I know I’d be flinging lead before they trashed my home. You can count on it.

eh, nobody in the streets gives a fuck whose property they destroy and most of them aren't doing it on their own ground.
eh, nobody in the streets gives a fuck whose property they destroy and most of them aren't doing it on their own ground.

But there are people who own those buildings and the citizens who have to pay for all the damage.

Americans have the right to protest. Not the right to destroy private property.
But there are people who own those buildings and the citizens who have to pay for all the damage.

Americans have the right to protest. Not the right to destroy private property.

yup, and those of them that do show up to defend their property get beat, bullied, harassed and demeaned. all while the media crys "let the police do their job" as the police hold conga lines on the outskirts to pacify the communists
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