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Pickle Recipes


Active member
May 19, 2020
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Anyone got any good ones?

I just planted some cucumber and dill and if I manage to get any cucumbers I want to try pickling. I'm partial to hot pickles, but open to any other recipes.

BTW, what happened to that request for a cooking forum?
I feel that pickles are not something for recipes. Garlic + Dill sprigs + anything else you might want in there. Get creative. 50/50 white vinegar and water, I usually go higher b/c I like my brine briney.
I do garlic a slab of homegrown onion a stick home grown celery, mustard seed, celery seed, a head or two of dill. 8.5 cups of non city water, 2.25 cup vinegar 1/2 cup pickling salt. Hot water bath for 15 minutes to seal. Spend the time to pack them so the jars look good.
I do garlic a slab of homegrown onion a stick home grown celery, mustard seed, celery seed, a head or two of dill. 8.5 cups of non city water, 2.25 cup vinegar 1/2 cup pickling salt. Hot water bath for 15 minutes to seal. Spend the time to pack them so the jars look good.
How long do your cucumbers sit before picking?
How long do your cucumbers sit before picking?

What do you mean how long do they sit? How long before we start eating them at least a couple months. We still have stuff left from last year to eat up.
How long do your cucumbers sit before picking?

Panzer is making what I've heard called quick pickles. I make the same, just minor differences in the seasoning. They have to sit for 30-45 days minimum or they'll just taste like cucumber.
What do you mean how long do they sit? How long before we start eating them at least a couple months. We still have stuff left from last year to eat up.
I find myself making pints or maybe just a quart at a time and usually every other day. Vine to jar time is about 1/2 hour.

Five gallon buckets full makes me wonder if you pick and store before you jar them. Or do you just have a field of plants?
I find myself making pints or maybe just a quart at a time and usually every other day. Vine to jar time is about 1/2 hour.

Five gallon buckets full makes me wonder if you pick and store before you jar them. Or do you just have a field of plants?

I have 15 plants so it’s a pail per picking. They grow like weeds in the heat. We pack as soon as we pick. The big ones get sliced the littlest ones get packed whole.
I have 15 plants so it’s a pail per picking. They grow like weeds in the heat. We pack as soon as we pick. The big ones get sliced the littlest ones get packed whole.
Dang that’s a lot... I have a hard time keeping up with six plants that produce every two days...lol.
Tis the season. Tonight Dilly beans.

Here's a good base to work off of. Experiment, taste is subjective.

Edit - the water is purified as well as the salt.
Might I suggest that if you're going to put a pepper of any kind in your jars, slice them open from bottom to stem, turn them upside down when you put them in the jar so they don't just fill up with air. You want the brine to get to the pith.


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Pickles are fun to be creative and throw what ever is in your fridge and spice rack at it.
Sure, find a recipe to help you with a brine, but sugar, red pepper flakes, peppers, garlic, onions asparagus, it's all good, go nuts.
How do you keep cucumber pickles crunchy?

I do quick/refrigerator pickles every year and everything usually stays crunchy for months (carrot, asparagus, green beans, peppers) except for cucumbers - they always go mushy at some point. My goal is something like a Claussen. Have tried at least 6-8 different “recipes” but they’re all basically the same ingredients. Saw something about adding tannins into the jar but can’t say I’ve ever seen a grape or oak leaf in any pickles I’ve bought
How do you keep cucumber pickles crunchy?

I do quick/refrigerator pickles every year and everything usually stays crunchy for months (carrot, asparagus, green beans, peppers) except for cucumbers - they always go mushy at some point. My goal is something like a Claussen. Have tried at least 6-8 different “recipes” but they’re all basically the same ingredients. Saw something about adding tannins into the jar but can’t say I’ve ever seen a grape or oak leaf in any pickles I’ve bought

aka - alum

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