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PFC Preston, the the most belligerent f'ing PFC in the history of the Army


Red Skull Member
May 25, 2020
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OAF Nation Throwback Thursday withZero Foxtrot

On February 17, 1974, at 2 A.M. an Army PFC named Robert K. Preston stole a U.S. Army Bell UH-1 helicopter from Fort Meade, Maryland and flew that motherfucker to damn Washington, D.C. #YouHaveLostYourFuckingMindHardcharger #OhHellFuckingNo #OhIsThatRight #WeJustWannaStealFuckingHelicopters #GoodToFuckingGo Once he got to D.C. he yanked and banked his happy ass on over to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and hovered for six minutes over the White House. Let me say that shit one more time with some stank on it. HE HOVERED OVER THE FUCKING WHITE HOUSE FOR SIX MINUTES #YouGotSomeFuckingBallsOnYouKid #WhoTheFuckWereHisNCOsTho After he was done smokin’ and fuckin’ jokin’ over the White House he descended on the south lawn, about 100 yards from the fucking West Wing #DontMindMe #LegHanginOutThePhantom No one could believe anyone would be that fucking stupid or crazy so there was no initial attempt from the Executive Protective Service to light his helicopter the fuck up so he took off and this time was chased by two Maryland State Police helicopters. Preston gorilla pimped one of the police helicopters out of the sky by maneuvering his helo like it was a fuckin’ 87 Monte Carlo on fuckin 22s #TwentyTwinTwinNiiigguuhhhh and then returned to the White House. This time, as he hovered above the south grounds, the Executive Protective Service lit his ass up with shottys and sub machine guns. #DamnSon #ThatYoAssBoi Preston caught a little bit of that work but it didn’t really faze him and he finally landed the helo. When they took the young homie Preston into custody he said he was heated because they didn't let him continue training to fly helos so he had to show out. Pilots get mad pussy and Preston was trying to get on that level so he wanted to prove he had enough skill to earn his wings. #OkIseeYouPreston #GoodInitiativeBadJudgement He spent 1 year in prison, got fined $2400, received a general discharge and was awarded triple OG status for being the most belligerent fucking PFC in the history of the Army. The day of the incident as he was being taken away he smiled because he knew no matter what happened to him there was one simple truth; Heroes get remembered, but legends never die…
#OAFNation #TBT #ZeroFucks



Can we do without all the fucking pound signs in your little story?

#No Fuckin' toughen up Gunny.

1. It's not my story, it's copy pasta'd
2. They're called hashtags when used like that #boomer :flipoff2:

Seems like you weren't a pilot and not covered up in pussy and are just jelly

On bookface those hashtags render blue are aren't so grating.
#No Fuckin' toughen up Gunny.

1. It's not my story, it's copy pasta'd
2. They're called hashtags when used like that #boomer :flipoff2:

Seems like you weren't a pilot and not covered up in pussy and are just jelly

On bookface those hashtags render blue are aren't so grating.

you are forgiven since you just copied and pasted. Fuck being a pilot. Had to many die with us.
I'm concerned at how easy I found that to read :eek::lmao:

And what does to "gorilla pimp" mean?
you are forgiven since you just copied and pasted. Fuck being a pilot. Had to many die with us.


I'm concerned at how easy I found that to read :eek::lmao:

And what does to "gorilla pimp" mean?

It means to go Ape Shit and aggressively charge them. In this case I think the duel was with helicopters, at low altitude, over D.C. :laughing:

Pilots get mad pussy and Preston was trying to get on that level so he wanted to prove he had enough skill to earn his wings. #OkIseeYouPreston


The hashtags are just someone's smart assed commentary. The two links I posted below the story will take you to a more straight laced description of the affair.
Can we do without all the fucking pound signs in your little story?

It's an old FB story

Most recent version frrom Apr 6, 2019:

At 2 A.M. on February 17, 1974, Robert K. Preston, a United States Army private first class, stole a United States Army Bell UH-1 Iroquois ("Huey") helicopter from Fort Meade, Maryland, flew it to Washington, D.C. and hovered for six minutes over the White House before descending on the south lawn, about 100 yards from the West Wing.

There was no initial attempt from the Executive Protective Service to shoot the helicopter down, and he later took off and was chased by two Maryland State Police helicopters. Preston forced one of the police helicopters down through his maneuvering of the helicopter, and then returned to the White House.

This time, as he hovered above the south grounds, the Executive Protective Service fired at him with shotguns and submachine guns. Preston was injured slightly, and landed his helicopter. After being taken into custody Preston indicated he was upset over not being allowed to continue training to be a helicopter pilot, and staged the incident to show his skill as a pilot. He spent 1 year in prison, fined $2400, received a general discharge and 0 were the fucks he gave.

Sounds like the Army needed to take the key out of the helicopter so it couldn't be stolen.
It's an old FB story

Most recent version frrom Apr 6, 2019:

At 2 A.M. on February 17, 1974, Robert K. Preston, a United States Army private first class, stole a United States Army Bell UH-1 Iroquois ("Huey") helicopter from Fort Meade, Maryland, flew it to Washington, D.C. and hovered for six minutes over the White House before descending on the south lawn, about 100 yards from the West Wing.

There was no initial attempt from the Executive Protective Service to shoot the helicopter down, and he later took off and was chased by two Maryland State Police helicopters. Preston forced one of the police helicopters down through his maneuvering of the helicopter, and then returned to the White House.

This time, as he hovered above the south grounds, the Executive Protective Service fired at him with shotguns and submachine guns. Preston was injured slightly, and landed his helicopter. After being taken into custody Preston indicated he was upset over not being allowed to continue training to be a helicopter pilot, and staged the incident to show his skill as a pilot. He spent 1 year in prison, fined $2400, received a general discharge and 0 were the fucks he gave.

Jesus Christ. Thank you for the adult version.

The OP was written by this:


:laughing: Yeah, if I hadn't peaced-out after the first half of that wall of Faygo grape-drank.

"We are a veteran owned and operated media company, online community and lifestyle brand that focuses on foreign and domestic policy, veterans’ affairs, domestic and international news and the pulse of military culture." :shaking:
:laughing: Yeah, if I hadn't peaced-out after the first half of that wall of Faygo grape-drank.

"We are a veteran owned and operated media company, online community and lifestyle brand that focuses on foreign and domestic policy, veterans’ affairs, domestic and international news and the pulse of military culture." :shaking:

If you go to their site (I've been once, looking for this article) they don't use the stupid hashtags. Only on facebook. As stupid as they are, it added comedic value to the story of a shithead PFC who whole a FUCKING HELICOPTER and flew it to and over the White House.
:laughing: Yeah, if I hadn't peaced-out after the first half of that wall of Faygo grape-drank.

"We are a veteran owned and operated media company, online community and lifestyle brand that focuses on foreign and domestic policy, veterans’ affairs, domestic and international news and the pulse of military culture." :shaking:

Lighten up Francis
What about the dude that stole the tank in San Diego?

That was a simpler time. Hell, it got so bad that a fella that liked to, you know... smoke a little grass or drink a little ripple. Crow like a rooster, maybe challenge the mayor's son to a gentlemen's duel, was suddenly "uncouth, against God".
That was police brutality. The tank was stuck and the guy was looking up at the cop a good long time. He was not armed. There is video of that somewhere I've seen it on TV, then found it on the internet later. I'm not looking now.

yup, eventually the police will just shoot you or burn you to death out of spite.
That was a simpler time. Hell, it got so bad that a fella that liked to, you know... smoke a little grass or drink a little ripple. Crow like a rooster, maybe challenge the mayor's son to a gentlemen's duel, was suddenly "uncouth, against God".
More like bad for real estate values
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