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Pelosi lets waste more taxpayers money; 9/11 style commission on Capital riot


Red Skull Member
May 19, 2020
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Mountainair, NM

15, 2021. (Samuel Corum/Getty Images)
CONGRESSPelosi Announces Independent 9/11-Style Commission to Investigate Capitol Riot


February 15, 2021 Updated: February 15, 2021

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) stated that Congress will establish an independent, Sept. 11, 2001-style commission to look at the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

“It is clear from his findings and from the impeachment trial that we must get to the truth of how this happened,” she said in a statement on Monday. “To protect our security, our security, our security, our next step will be to establish an outside, independent 9/11-type Commission to ‘investigate and report on the facts and causes'” of the riot.

In a letter to her Democratic colleagues, Pelosi said the House will also put forth supplemental spending to boost security at the Capitol. Previously, she asked retired Army Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré to lead a review of the Capitol’s security processes.

She added, “As we prepare for the Commission, it is also clear from General Honoré’s interim reporting that we must put forth a supplemental appropriation to provide for the safety of Members and the security of the Capitol.”

The statement comes after Trump was acquitted in the Senate after the House impeached him for allegedly inciting violence at the Capitol. Trump, for his part, told supporters on Jan. 6 to protest “peacefully and patriotically,” while his lawyers argued that his comments to demonstrators were protected under the First Amendment.

House impeachment managers led by Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) argued that Trump was solely responsible for the breach. Ultimately, seven Republicans joined Democrats in the Senate to convict Trump, drawing intense criticism from their respective state Republican Parties.

“There’s still more evidence that the American people need and deserve to hear and a 9/11 commission is a way to make sure that we secure the Capitol going forward,” said Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) on Sunday, reported The Associated Press.

The Republicans who joined Cassidy in voting to convict were Sens. Richard Burr of North Carolina, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska, and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.

In response to his acquittal, Trump stated, “Our cherished Constitutional Republic was founded on the impartial rule of law, the indispensable safeguard for our liberties, our rights, and our freedoms.”

“It is a sad commentary on our times that one political party in America is given a free pass to denigrate the rule of law, defame law enforcement, cheer mobs, excuse rioters, and transform justice into a tool of political vengeance, and persecute, blacklist, cancel and suppress all people and viewpoints with whom or which they disagree,” he said. “I always have, and always will be a champion for the unwavering rule of law, the heroes of law enforcement, and the right of Americans to peacefully and honorably debate the issues of the day without malice and without hate.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

I wonder if there will be pages redacted to protect the Dem stooges just like the original protected the Saudis
Dude is out of office and swinging golf clubs in Florida and yet these people's panties are still all knotted up over him. TDS is real! :laughing:

No, they're just using this as excuse to find ways to crawl up public citizens asses and find out who the "bad" people are. I liked George Bush but he really fucked us with the patriot act and I'm not surprised to see "9/11" used as a fear mongering tool to get average Joe to buy off on this bullshit.
If they actually found and revealed the truth it would be kind of worth the trouble and expense, the truth will be ignored as usual and what's revealed will always be bullshit.
fucktard regardless of what is posted above they have no remote clue what an actual riot would look like. Hi my name is Ben Gazhi.
I haven’t watched veery much news or anything since the election but news flash, the capital riots never happened and Covid is/was a hoax.. you’re welcome
Money well spent. The longer they drag this bullshit out and spend time on it the less they're passing stupid legislation. The whole country would be better off if they spent more time fucking off on pointless investigations and less time legislating.
Money well spent. The longer they drag this bullshit out and spend time on it the less they're passing stupid legislation. The whole country would be better off if they spent more time fucking off on pointless investigations and less time legislating.

no fraudy is still signing orders
no fraudy is still signing orders

Executive orders aren't legislation. He can't sign bills if they're not getting to his desk because Congress isn't putting them out.
Is he going to use EO's like legislation like Obama did? Probably, but they don't carry the weight of law. They don't establish precedent. They don't last because the next President can come in on day one and completely reverse them.
I'm just tired of the whole fucking thing! WE the people are fucked unless we can get off the porch somehow.
I'm just tired of the whole fucking thing! WE the people are fucked unless we can get off the porch somehow.

:homer:Problem is that those who got off the porch are now going to be investigated, charged, jailed, and likely dragged through the muck socially. Lose jobs, friends, family, and mostly their pride. In trying to do the right thing, they're going to be martyred, but not in the way that will get the rest of us off the porch.... this whole thing is another way to push the herd into doing what they're told.
Executive orders aren't legislation. He can't sign bills if they're not getting to his desk because Congress isn't putting them out.
Is he going to use EO's like legislation like Obama did? Probably, but they don't carry the weight of law. They don't establish precedent. They don't last because the next President can come in on day one and completely reverse them.


EO’s can’t be reversed if the reversing potus is not a democrat. :flipoff2:
:homer:Problem is that those who got off the porch are now going to be investigated, charged, jailed, and likely dragged through the muck socially. Lose jobs, friends, family, and mostly their pride. In trying to do the right thing, they're going to be martyred, but not in the way that will get the rest of us off the porch.... this whole thing is another way to push the herd into doing what they're told.

It’s been very well planned.
Money well spent. The longer they drag this bullshit out and spend time on it the less they're passing stupid legislation. The whole country would be better off if they spent more time fucking off on pointless investigations and less time legislating.

I imagine the commission is to do their partisan work and free them up to destroy America. So far fraudysix has been the workhorse but he can't do everything.
They need anti-America bills passed and they haven't done enough due to the impeachment hoax.
I imagine the commission is to do their partisan work and free them up to destroy America. So far fraudysix has been the workhorse but he can't do everything.
They need anti-America bills passed and they haven't done enough due to the impeachment hoax.

I really want them to ask her when the FBI told her about plans to enter the Capitol. Cause there seem to be stories about Pelosi being warned on the 4th which means she could have taken action ahead of the event. Of course the FBI is in the bag for the Dems so they are not going to implicate her...

Also like them to drive home that more of it was planned on their beloved Face Book and Twitter than on Parlor.
Dude is out of office and swinging golf clubs in Florida and yet these people's panties are still all knotted up over him. TDS is real! :laughing:

They want to make him an example... to be sure, they want to show EVERYONE that the club is not to be fawked with. By the reaction of the left and the right, it only shows that the club is a big one and includes both parties.
I'm just tired of the whole fucking thing! WE the people are fucked unless we can get off the porch somehow.

ANTIFA and BLM gave the playbook. They sure as hell got off the porch and quick!!

Inb4 the feds were on their side while simultaneously claiming the feds are on the rights side if the SHTF:rolleyes:
ANTIFA and BLM gave the playbook. They sure as hell got off the porch and quick!!

Inb4 the feds were on their side while simultaneously claiming the feds are on the rights side if the SHTF:rolleyes:

If and when SHTF we can be damn sure the fed's will be on the fed's side there citizen.:flipoff2:
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