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Pelosi is going to push the 25th amendment


Red Skull Member
May 20, 2020
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She’s so full of hate and rabid over trump she can’t stand that he’s back in office dealing with the Covid. So she’s going to talk about the 25th amendment and have Pence take control. Is it smoke or can she follow through with it?
"talking about" != enacting

She is why we need to put an end to the term "Career Politician"... don't get me wrong there are many political moochsuckingassholes on both sides she's just the Poster Child for them.
Why cant someone do an involuntary commitment on these senile old fucks? Pelosi, schumer, mad maxine, and unfortunately so many more. Theres more than enough video to get half of congress committed.
Yup, she's just blowing smoke. She doesn't even have a snowballs chance in hell of that stupidity going anywhere.

This is a drastic departure from your last 4 years of responses " y'all are stupid, the Republicans did the exact same thing to Obama. You're just mad now that it's your guy".
This is a drastic departure from your last 4 years of responses " y'all are stupid, the Republicans did the exact same thing to Obama. You're just mad now that it's your guy".

At the risk of being told I am dumb or stupid or I should know who he voted for because he never told anyone, just said "Search" I thought he was an Obama guy, but now I think he probably voted for Alfred E Newman
At the risk of being told I am dumb or stupid or I should know who he voted for because he never told anyone, just said "Search" I thought he was an Obama guy, but now I think he probably voted for Alfred E Newman

He voted for Gary Johnson and Bill Weld.

Bill Weld lost in the primary to Trump this year. But nobody noticed
She’s so full of hate and rabid over trump she can’t stand that he’s back in office dealing with the Covid. So she’s going to talk about the 25th amendment and have Pence take control. Is it smoke or can she follow through with it?

It's 100% smoke and with absolute certainty 0% possible.
End of story, stop talking about it. She knows it, but said it anyway just to get you talking about it. Stop.
I wonder if the dumb ass Dems have noticed the precedence they have set? The gloves are off. The next Dem President is going to go through hell and will deserve it, including his family.
drunk nancy.jpg
That's pretty desperate, even for pelosi. She is so full of hate, and it's really sad for us all it's devolved into this.
It'll never happen. But would it really be a bad thing if it did? Pence impressed me in the VP debate.

He'd be an awesome president. Honestly, would be a breath of fresh air. As long as Trump wins next month, I'd say let her go for it.
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