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Payroll tax deferral


Not Sure
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Crusty's Brewing, Wa
Why rob peter to pay paul?

This is some of the dumbest shit I have ever heard. Military and government employees are not allowed to opt out.
Yeah not a fan, suppose to be a COVID relief thing, everyone I know that is enrolled doesn't need the "relief". Just I better save 6% to pay back in April.
Fucking stupid. It doesnt affect me anyway, but dumb none the less.
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I’m all for any tax deferral, Happy to invest my cash prior to taxes. The idea is some of it would be forgiven, not collected. Who knows, but don’t spend more than you might owe. Your company will do the same which means it won’t work anyway.
Everybody knows if you rob Peter as long as Paul gets paid nobody cares about Peter anymore.
Its just another government test to see who the stupid sheeple are. The mask ordeal pointed out most of the tards that are easily brainwashed, but some slipped through the cracks. This is the government version of the "bonus round". :laughing:

Dumb idea is dumb
The President has tweetered that IF he gets re-elected, he will forgive the debt come tax time next year. Problem is, if dumb Joe gets elected, I'd bet it won't be forgiven and people & businesses will be fucked. Also the way I read it, if I have my employer stop taking out the taxes, then come next year I quit before my taxes are due, the company is on the hook for the months they didn't collect any income taxes from me.
What about part time seasonal employees? The ones that just work the holidays?

Sounds like a bunch of mall Santas are going to get off scott free.
What about part time seasonal employees? The ones that just work the holidays?

Sounds like a bunch of mall Santas are going to get off scott free.

Its upto the employer to take the taxes out. Private companies aren't being forced, so they just aren't doing it.
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