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Passion For Auto Repair/Your Job Vs. “It’s Just A Job” Mentality


Jul 16, 2020
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I feel that part of what gives the auto industry a bad name in the eyes of the public is the attitude of most techs I’ve worked with. Nearly all of them had the attitude towards their job of “this is just shit I have to do in order to get a paycheck” and that attitude carried over into their work.

It explains a lot of the half ass work I’ve seen from other shops and techs, they didn’t do a good job because they don’t care, it’s just a job to them, not a calling/passion that they’re dedicated to. The types of techs who are “jacks of all trades, masters of none” who’d jump ship at the first opportunity to get a different job in another field.

Not me, auto repair is my “thing” that drives me in life and makes me want to get out of bed and get out in the shop. Some of the bullshit I deal with is frustrating (stupid/cheap customers, incompetent techs, service writers and manager) but nothing will sour my opinion on automotive work itself. Nothing brings me more joy than working on vehicles. I think that those people who share my attitude towards their work end up being much more successful in their respective fields than those who look at it as “just a job”.

Bottom line, if you get up and go to a job you hate every day, doing things you don’t want to do, you aren’t going to be happy with life. What the fuck kinda life is it if you hate what you do for a living. It’s their attitude that’s the problem, a wise man once told me “if you think your life sucks, your life’s gonna suck”.

Keep it up man.

Stupid fuckers can’t even acknowledge my point I’m making because of who I am. Pretend someone else wrote it and give feedback based on that instead of dismissing anything I say because I’m Jimmy Numbers.

I swear you guys base all all of your reactions on WHO is saying something rather than WHAT is being said. Explains why there’s so many Trump supporters here. That fucker could endorse raping babies and you’d rally behind him because OMG Trump said it!!!!
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Stupid fuckers can’t even acknowledge my point I’m making because of who I am. Pretend someone else wrote it and give feedback based on that instead of dismissing anything I say because I’m Jimmy Numbers.

I swear you guys base all all of your reactions on WHO is saying something rather than WHAT is being said.

NO, DIPSHIT :homer:

Our reactions are to the inane "my first beer" shit you post.

Nobody needs to know your history as a dog-fucking moron to disrespect you.

If that was your attempt to troll, come back when you have an adult to help you :flipoff2:
Smack the shit out of him a couple times for chewing stuff hes not supposed to followed by pinning him on the ground for a solid few minuted pointing at what he did and scalding him. It should work for a long time but he may eventually need a reminder and wont do it again. Give him toys as treats and not a better option for chewing

Dunno, I don't think Jimmy will learn :flipoff2:
NO, DIPSHIT :homer:

Our reactions are to the inane "my first beer" shit you post.

Nobody needs to know your history as a dog-fucking moron to disrespect you.

If that was your attempt to troll, come back when you have an adult to help you :flipoff2:

Year 1 on the internet
JimmyNumbers: "hey guys what do you think?"

IBB: *gives multiple different opinions and points of view, some good, some constructive, some shit talking*

JimmyNumbers: *doesn't listen to or get the point of any of it*


Year 2 on the internet
JimmyNumbers: "hey guys what do you think?"

IBB: *gives multiple different opinions and points of view, some good, some constructive, some shit talking*

JimmyNumbers: *doesn't listen to or get the point of any of it*


Year tree on the internet
JimmyNumbers: "hey guys what do you think?"

IBB: *gives multiple different opinions and points of view, some good, some constructive, some shit talking*

JimmyNumbers: *doesn't listen to or get the point of any of it*


Present day on the internet
JimmyNumbers: "hey guys what do you think?"


JimmyNumbers: "boo hoo, boo hoo I'm just trying to have an introspective adult conversation, why won't anyone engage me in conversation?!?"
Stupid fuckers can’t even acknowledge my point
You didn’t make a point, you told us a story about yourself.

Cool, you found your passion in life and are one of the lucky few who can make a living out of it.

Stop shitting on the people who don’t or can’t use their passion as a way to support themselves and others.
I love what I do, not always who I do it for. At the end of the day its still just a job. I can quit or get fired and someone will replace me. I'll go on to bigger and better things. I cant say I know of anything I love to do that would reliably pay my bills. So every day I go to my job and do it the best I can.

Cliffs: jimmydumbers is still a shithead
NO, DIPSHIT :homer:

Our reactions are to the inane "my first beer" shit you post.

Nobody needs to know your history as a dog-fucking moron to disrespect you.

If that was your attempt to troll, come back when you have an adult to help you :flipoff2:

I thinking "trolling" is a bullshit label used to dismiss unpopular opinions most times, sure there's legit trolling, but people on the internet are so quick to label any unpopular/contrary opinion to the "norm" as "just trying to troll".

Just because what I say isn't mainstream or popular doesn't mean I'm not sincere in what I'm saying. I DO feel that those who look at their job as "just a job" in general have a IDGAF attitude and are happy with "good enough". And I feel those people are less successful in life than those who feel a real "drive" to do what they do.

Now do I like arguing with people who disagree with me ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY! It's fun to me to see why others feel the way they do and what lengths they'll go to in order to defend how they feel. Most times I learn something through this, sometimes it only serves to strengthen my arguments when I discuss it with someone else, but those that want to label any disagreement with the norm as "trolling" don't see the value in discussing things with those that disagree, I do. And I've never been one to "agree to disagree", I like to get it all out and see who has less/the wrong info and maybe come away a smarter person.
This place is full of highly talented people that take pride in what they do, and some that DGAF, (which describes how we feel about you, BTW). Why is the auto repair industry any different?
This place is full of highly talented people that take pride in what they do, and some that DGAF, (which describes how we feel about you, BTW). Why is the auto repair industry any different?

Because I have the mentality of "If you don't give a fuck, why even bother?" If something is worth doing, it's worth doing right, not with a "Ehh, good enough" type of attitude. Seems that those with a "good enough" attitude carry that over to many aspects of their lives (i.e. driving clapped out junkers, nursing them from breakdown to breakdown, living in a dirty, cluttered shithole of a house, etc.)

There's a similar phenomenon I've noticed with doing car repairs as well. Seems in my experience, when someone says "I'm not worried about X not working" it really means a lot of times "I can't figure out/don't know how to fix it and can't be bothered to learn". They're satisfied with being an "Ehhh, good enough" mechanic and don't challenge themselves or try to go outside of what they already know.
I thinking "trolling" is a bullshit label used to dismiss unpopular opinions most times, sure there's legit trolling, but people on the internet are so quick to label any unpopular/contrary opinion to the "norm" as "just trying to troll".

Just because what I say isn't mainstream or popular doesn't mean I'm not sincere in what I'm saying. I DO feel that those who look at their job as "just a job" in general have a IDGAF attitude and are happy with "good enough". And I feel those people are less successful in life than those who feel a real "drive" to do what they do.

Now do I like arguing with people who disagree with me ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY! It's fun to me to see why others feel the way they do and what lengths they'll go to in order to defend how they feel. Most times I learn something through this, sometimes it only serves to strengthen my arguments when I discuss it with someone else, but those that want to label any disagreement with the norm as "trolling" don't see the value in discussing things with those that disagree, I do. And I've never been one to "agree to disagree", I like to get it all out and see who has less/the wrong info and maybe come away a smarter person.

I’m sure your mom is proud that you were able to take your degree in interpretative dance and translate those skills into the fulfilling career of sign spinning on the sidewalk in front of jiffy lube but what it all comes down to is that we don’t like being preached to by a long winded chump that doesn’t seem to have a point.
I thinking "trolling" is a bullshit label used to dismiss unpopular opinions most times, sure there's legit trolling, but people on the internet are so quick to label any unpopular/contrary opinion to the "norm" as "just trying to troll".

I think "people are just dismissing my opinions because they are unpopular and contrary" is a bullshit label to put on repeated outside sentiment that your opinions have no real world or practical merit. It's like when a teenager wants to debate why they are being grounded (or insert any such situation where a person who is lacking in life experience isn't happy about how things are going for them). Theres nothing really in what you say to debate or argue about.
Good for you, you fucking putz. You get excited over every brake job they make your dumbass do.

Here’s a slow clap for you. :flipoff2:
Because I have the mentality of "If you don't give a fuck, why even bother?" If something is worth doing, it's worth doing right, not with a "Ehh, good enough" type of attitude. Seems that those with a "good enough" attitude carry that over to many aspects of their lives (i.e. driving clapped out junkers, nursing them from breakdown to breakdown, living in a dirty, cluttered shithole of a house, etc.)

There's a similar phenomenon I've noticed with doing car repairs as well. Seems in my experience, when someone says "I'm not worried about X not working" it really means a lot of times "I can't figure out/don't know how to fix it and can't be bothered to learn". They're satisfied with being an "Ehhh, good enough" mechanic and don't challenge themselves or try to go outside of what they already know.

I just bought a $750 clapped out junker and I’m going have more fun in it than I did any “nice” vehicle I’ve owned. You clearly belong somewhere else. Like Reddit, where you can find other mentally challenged fuck sticks to join in on your dumbassery.
I thinking "trolling" is a bullshit label used to dismiss unpopular opinions most times, sure there's legit trolling, but people on the internet are so quick to label any unpopular/contrary opinion to the "norm" as "just trying to troll".

Just because what I say isn't mainstream or popular doesn't mean I'm not sincere in what I'm saying. I DO feel that those who look at their job as "just a job" in general have a IDGAF attitude and are happy with "good enough". And I feel those people are less successful in life than those who feel a real "drive" to do what they do.

Now do I like arguing with people who disagree with me ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY! It's fun to me to see why others feel the way they do and what lengths they'll go to in order to defend how they feel. Most times I learn something through this, sometimes it only serves to strengthen my arguments when I discuss it with someone else, but those that want to label any disagreement with the norm as "trolling" don't see the value in discussing things with those that disagree, I do. And I've never been one to "agree to disagree", I like to get it all out and see who has less/the wrong info and maybe come away a smarter person.

OK, I believe you - you're not trolling, just . . . perhaps a tad soft-headed.

Please understand that most everyone here has already wasted time debating your "JimmyTopicOfTheMoment®"s; and they ran completely out of fucks to give about your "my first beer" revelations that are obviously sooper-dooper important to you (and that you assume should therefore be super-important to us). If you pull this preachy, pedantic crap on your coworkers, I can see why you'd receive an "I don't give a fuck" response - they're on the clock, and not getting paid to deal with your bullshit.

You could blurt out the cure for cancer right to a medical doctor, but if it's an ER doc. trying to stop a bleeding artery immediately to save a life, they'll likely tell you to shut the fuck up & get the fuck out. Instead, you're spewing nothing new to a crowd on an internet forum that's already smelled your bullshit, and you're (surprised?) nobody's stopping to suck your dick.

Tell you what, Chief - start a shop, or promote into a position in which you can make a difference, and show us how it's done. You might become aware of considerations above your pay grade that ultimately prevent your specific ideals from being ideal.

Seriously, your heart's in the right place, and I wish you the best of success opening JimmyLube®.

In the meantime, you're just a know-it-all punk who can kiss half* of my ass.

That*^ would be the middle half - need me to draw you a map? :flipoff2: :laughing:
Doood . . . genius, eeevil gee-knee-us!

The Jimmy and Ashke Show - strong potential for high viewership based on morbid fascination alone :laughing:

I’ll bet Jimmy does Tick Tock and YouTube videos, too. I can see it now. “Hey, guys and gals, pull your tool cart on wheels to where you’re working. If you can’t do that throw all the tools into the engine bay so you save time and make more money. That’s Jimmy sucks dick tip of the week!”
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