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Panic Shopping v2.0


Well-known member
May 19, 2020
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So apparently people are getting a little panicky again about toilet paper and hand sanitizer. I don't see anything in my area,, of course I'm in the middle of the pond. Anyone seeing anything?
Quite honestly if there is anything to it I think it's just something created by the media. Keep the minions afraid they're easy to control.
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Toilet paper has been impossible to buy here in North Texas for a couple weeks. Down to the last family pack. Not worried. It's ridiculous the things that get sold out.
Lots of people don't realize Walmart sells in bulk on line and will ship canned goods and such straight to your house and most of the time cheaper than Amazon for the same stuff
Our lockdown was reinstated Monday. By monday afternoon paper products, water and meat were all but non-existent.

We went by the dollar store on Saturday, while they haven't fully recovered from the last time there was product to buy. Grocery store had plenty of fresh meat it may not be the fillet mignon so many on here seem to require, but they had it. bought 6 pound of bacon and . According to my SIL my neice in Deming couldn't find milk and eggs at Walmart, there are several non Walmart stores but I don't know if she went shopping there.
Wife said one of the stores is limiting how much you can buy. I would have thought they learned from the last round. I have plenty of catalogs to use if necessary or I could do it the Muzzy way and just use a finger, rinse and repeat!

Soon we will all be roaming the wasteland picking whatever morsels of half rotten and dried flesh we can from the bones of our dead neighbors, but by golly we're going to have spotless assholes!
Awesome just order 4 !!


becareful it can get addictive ordering online like that especially when they tell you, you need X amount for free shipping a lot of the time the shipping is cheaper than the amount they want you to spend!
Anyone worried now is 'tarded. The shelves where chock full a month ago.

Went to the local grocer earlier to buy dinner and dumb ****s had carts full of paper products.
Starting up here again too. Costco was out of just about all paper products yesterday except napkins, still lots of those.:laughing: I expect to see it go the way it did at the start of the plandemic, it's no big deal to us as we are sort of preppers and keep enough on hand to probably live for 6 months quite comfortably.
No toilet paper, ammo $1 a round, the government closing select private businesses. I’m glad this isn’t a serious bug or we would be screwed, ok some of you would be screwed :flipoff2:
Same BS here, I'm on half a bundle of Costco left, and out of stock online, The wife grabbed a 12 pack at the grocery store and said, the meat cast was stripped,


I'll steal it one roll at a time in my lunch pail from work if it gets bad.
Dumbasses. I still don't get the run on shit paper, if you really had to just go in the shower and spray your ass off.

We have been buying cloth towels, trying to ween my wife off useing paper towels for everything, packs of them have been $20+ if you can find them. Fuck that it's almost cheaper to just use cloth towels and toss them when done at that price comparison lol.
It is only now, at this late hour, that I regret cancelling my newspaper delivery, for an online subscription.
Soon we will all be roaming the wasteland picking whatever morsels of half rotten and dried flesh we can from the bones of our dead neighbors, but by golly we're going to have spotless assholes!

LOL If you read most post apocalyptic stories it is one thing they very rarely address like feminine hygene products, birth control, flash light batteries, first aid equipment and knowledge...
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