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One small victory RE: VA election laws

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for mail-in ballots were illegal

Michael Lee 3 days ago

Judge rules Virginia's late election law changes for mail-in ballots were illegal

A Virginia Circuit Court judge ruled that the state’s last-minute changes to election law allowing mail-in ballots to arrive late without a postmark were illegal.
© Provided by Washington Examiner

"This is a big win for the Rule of Law," said Public Interest Legal Foundation President J. Christian Adams, who represented Frederick County electoral board member Thomas Reed in the case. "This consent decree gives Mr. Reed everything he requested — a permanent ban on accepting ballots without postmarks after Election Day and is a loss for the Virginia bureaucrats who said ballots could come in without these protections."

The case was over a Virginia Board of Elections rule issued in August that allowed mail-in ballots without a postmark to be received up to three days after the November election.

The new Virginia Board of Elections rule notified county election boards that any ballots "received by the general registrar's office by noon on the third day after the election ... but does not have a postmark, or the postmark is missing or illegible" should not be rendered invalid. The elections board decided a week later that those ballots should be counted.

The PILF filed a lawsuit against the board of elections in October on behalf of Reed, who said that he could not enforce the new rules because they were a violation of state law.

Virginia law states that “any absentee ballot returned to the general registrar after the closing of the polls on election day but before noon on the third day after the election and postmarked on or before the date of the election shall be counted.”

The PILF argued that the language of the law clearly mandates a postmark, making the new rule unlawful.

The court agreed with Reed’s argument, granting a preliminary injunction that prevented the state from accepting or counting ballots without a postmark.

The latest ruling reinforces the earlier injunction, assuring that Virginia will not be able to make similar changes to future elections in the state without adequate changes in current law.
Probably won't be long before they make changes to the laws to let them do whatever they want.

They started as soon as they got power here. Hell, the only reason they're in power here now is they managed to have redistricting overturned shortly before the last election leaving numerous seats where Republicans could no longer run.

But they've been going after everything they can here since regarding elections, going as far as voting against their own anti-gerrymandering bill because they're now in position to rig things in their own favor.

They're also going after Republicans in the State government wherever they can. They used the shitshow at the Capital as an excuse to remove Republicans from several key committees in the state legislature and are trying to have several censured and removed as well from it.

This state was doomed the moment Bloomberg and the DNC started dumping hundreds of millions into PACs to get Dems in power here a decade ago and the GOP just let it happen. VA is a huge key state and the GOP has essentially abandoned us.

Just look at the fight against gun control here. The GOP is nowhere to be found and the effort has been entirely led by VCDL. The fucking NRA is headquartered here and all they did was try to claim credit after the fact for what VCDL has done.

It's not just VA, they're doing this shit in every battleground state. The left loves to bitch about the Citizens United ruling, but it's exponentially led to them controlling more and more states and corporate America and leftists billionaires dump tremendous amounts of outside money into key states. Meanwhile the Koch brothers are about the only ones doing anything at all like that on the GOP side. Until the outside money is cut off in these states it's only a matter of time until they all flip blue.
When those on the election commission start being found swinging from a tree....then we can say there might be a chance for a fair election.

Every single person involved with these sham elections across the country should be identified and that information made public. From the people blocking windows preventing verification to the local and state officials involved. Only then can elections start to be trusted.
Every single person involved with these sham elections across the country should be identified and that information made public. From the people blocking windows preventing verification to the local and state officials involved. Only then can elections start to be trusted.

I could not agree more. If their information were to be made public, then they may actually fear the consequences of their actions. For now, they have nothing to fear....as the only consequences are positive.
I could not agree more. If their information were to be made public, then they may actually fear the consequences of their actions. For now, they have nothing to fear....as the only consequences are positive.

Most of them are black. And women. Good luck.
Said it over 10,000 times. The Dems ARE trying to start a war.
Said it over 10,000 times. The Dems ARE trying to start a war.

:lmao:No they're trying to scare US into not exercising our constitutional rights.
I think the fever pitch is growing though. Lots of people are starting to talk and question what is and has been going on lately.
My worry at this point is, what will the overlords do as punishment? I mean, they know every word we type, we say, and near everywhere we go. These phones are literally tracking our every move, so they know what's up. They know dissent is growing. How will they keep it from biting them?
:lmao:No they're trying to scare US into not exercising our constitutional rights.
I think the fever pitch is growing though. Lots of people are starting to talk and question what is and has been going on lately.
My worry at this point is, what will the overlords do as punishment? I mean, they know every word we type, we say, and near everywhere we go. These phones are literally tracking our every move, so they know what's up. They know dissent is growing. How will they keep it from biting them?

Fat and happy at home, of course. Here's another $2k for Doritos and Dew while you haven't paid your mortgage for a year or two.
Gladman: Why would a judge rule like that on baseless lies told by Trump?
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