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Oh man, Trump went there.


Red Skull Member
May 20, 2020
Member Number
Called BLM a Marxist group :lmao:

I watched a video of a guy doing research on where the BLM donations are going and where some are coming from. It was heavily socialist commie Marxist related.
What's he got to lose at this point? Anyone that's going to piss off was never going to vote for him anyway.
The leftards go there and have been going there since DT announced he was running for president.
Fair play is fair play and he's not wrong about it.
Do some homework on where their donations go. It's all right there in links on the BLM website. He's not wrong.

Here you go - https://youtu.be/QQ6EZRxVQJE. Imho, worth the 4:35 of your life.
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in one of the other threads, boogaloo maybe? there is a quote from just the other day off a CNN article where a BLM founder says "it is time we regroup and get back to our principles of destroying capitalism"

BLM does NOT hide that shit, it has always been on full display. it isn't some fringe nonsense. any BLM associated group that claims otherwise, is the fringe.
in one of the other threads, boogaloo maybe? there is a quote from just the other day off a CNN article where a BLM founder says "it is time we regroup and get back to our principles of destroying capitalism"

BLM does NOT hide that shit, it has always been on full display. it isn't some fringe nonsense. any BLM associated group that claims otherwise, is the fringe.

I especially find it amusing that all these corporations are donating money to an organization whose stated goal is to destroy them.
I especially find it amusing that all these corporations are donating money to an organization whose stated goal is to destroy them.

That will never happen and they know that. IF it ever came to that they would just pay off the marxist leaders and it would create the facist state BLM claims to hate and be against.

Or the entire thing implodes when it Dawn's on evreyone in these movements that you dont get iphones, Nike's, avocado toast, or any other branded consumer good they all love.
This Thread reminds me of the movie, The Laundromat. It's all a shell game.
#BitterLyingMarxists and #ANTIamericanFAcists

They are both not what they claim to be. Not one cent donated to BLM has ended being spent on or for any black community. ANTIFA claims to be antifascists, yet they use fascist tactics everywhere they go, and they're anti-American.
That will never happen and they know that. IF it ever came to that they would just pay off the marxist leaders and it would create the facist state BLM claims to hate and be against.

Or the entire thing implodes when it Dawn's on evreyone in these movements that you dont get iphones, Nike's, avocado toast, or any other branded consumer good they all love.

What, no avocado toast?? That's it, I'm taking the mag locks off my AR's
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