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Offroad Racing Forum

Events - gets things on the calendar, people can discuss stuff leading up to it, who is going, logistics
Racing - chit chat about the races, a place for racing news, and for the racers to post about their race events
Reg Mfg Forums - Still where the racers can show off their builds.

Thats kind of how I picture it, open to suggestions
Now that I have found the KOH section, where is the Tracker Map??? I bought premium and feel like I have less info than before???
Are the race today and the race tomorrow using the same course?

Damn a map would be nice.

Check my post when the race goes live. I've been including links to the live map and leaderboard along with the live feed.
Now that I have found the KOH section, where is the Tracker Map??? I bought premium and feel like I have less info than before???

The footage was amazing this year. The commentary was not. They just made it confusing. And if I hear someone say “No questions asked” in the next couple of days, I’m kicking them in the balls. Ian’s great but c’mon man.
I was yelling at him most of the time. Can't pronounce Scherer correctly, admits it and keeps on doing it. Fuck man, his name is Jason if you are having that hard a time. Also, they seemed to have a lot of trouble using the tracker, I was yelling answers to their confusion the entire time because they couldn't simply look at the tracker themselves.

Coverage was great, announcers seemed disconnected from the feed and what is happening. They cut away from a lot of great action to show open desert with no cars in view... Randy at backdoor, nope cut away, Randy on Sledge, nope cut away. Eric catching the can ams in open desert, nope cut away.
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