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Obesity, it's about feelings, not fat

Maybe I skimmed the article and didn't catch something... but I agree? You can't determine someone's health by a weight graph that coincides with height. 1997, i was 6'0" 225 lbs and had visible abs. I was in the gym 6 days a week in the best shape of my life. According to the Dr office I was borderline obese. Now I'm 6'0" 215 lbs and a flabby sack of shit, in the worst shape of my life. Dr- "Glad you finally dropped 10lbs"
The BMI chart is a joke for most people. At 6'3" and 270 I am close to the morbidly obese category. Yeah I could stand to lose 20 or so pounds. But to be at 190 to get me into the ideal range I would be close to 0% body fat.
Maybe I skimmed the article and didn't catch something... but I agree? You can't determine someone's health by a weight graph that coincides with height. 1997, i was 6'0" 225 lbs and had visible abs. I was in the gym 6 days a week in the best shape of my life. According to the Dr office I was borderline obese. Now I'm 6'0" 215 lbs and a flabby sack of shit, in the worst shape of my life. Dr- "Glad you finally dropped 10lbs"

Second half gets into a bunch of snowflake mental bullshit, but you and the article aren't wrong about the first half. BMI is a grossly outdated metric from the late 1800s. It's kind of insane that it's still being used anywhere.
BMI is a grossly outdated metric from the late 1800s. It's kind of insane that it's still being used anywhere.

And surprisingly, it keeps gaining traction over the years. 40 years ago it was just a point of comparison, now it is a limiting requirement. I have been classified as obese to morbidly obese per the BMI method for my whole life. Just a big muscular guy, my fit/fighting weight is still ~50lbs over BMI max. stupid. Where before it was just a comment here and there from a doc, now we see it limiting job prospects and strong-armed weight loss discussions from medical authorities and social weight shaming. I don't see anything turning around on this anytime soon.
BMI tied to insurance rates and such is a horrendous practice. thanks ACA for institutionalizing shit collectivist practices on the masses!
Wouldn't body fat % substitute for BMI almost everywhere, and shut up all the MMA/bodybuilders?

If you've got 40% body fat, you're a tub, whether you're 7'3" or 3'6".
Wouldn't body fat % substitute for BMI almost everywhere, and shut up all the MMA/bodybuilders?

If you've got 40% body fat, you're a tub, whether you're 7'3" or 3'6".

Correct. There were women in the Navy that were 54% body fat. That’s quite the accomplishment.
If you're a large person with muscle mass and get exercise and have endurance, you are not obese..But many claim that's the situation for them but they are in denial of their lardness...But as you age it becomes more difficult to remain healthy as a heavy weight..
I'm 5-11 , 155 pounds of old man strength... LOL

I'm a fat bastard but that article is pretty good to a point. BMI is a bad metric. I'm fat but just as mobile as anyone. Most people over 300 lbs are slow moving, lethargic shitbags that never get off the couch unless they need more food. They give us decent fat bastards a bad name. :laughing:
The BMI chart is a joke for most people. At 6'3" and 270 I am close to the morbidly obese category. Yeah I could stand to lose 20 or so pounds. But to be at 190 to get me into the ideal range I would be close to 0% body fat.

Bull fucking shit.

Can you bench 300Lbs? You are way more than 20 Lbs overweight if not...
Stop calling me names, you're hurting my fat!

just seems to be missing something.
Bull fucking shit.

Can you bench 300Lbs? You are way more than 20 Lbs overweight if not...

Dunno about him, I am 6 and right now about 250. I admit I am carrying about 15 to 20 extra, but way back college dayz at the peak of fitness was 230-235. Why? lets see, I cannot fit my shoulders into anything smaller than a XXL and it hangs like a tent over my midsection. I wear looser carpenter pants cause I have a hard time fitting my calves into "normal" pants. My feet are size 13EEEE and finding shoes has been an issue my entire life.

Do you wear "normal" sized clothes? I probably look like an ape next to you.
Lots of people in this thread are as whiny as the fat bitch CNN asked why fat people shouldn't be told they are fat. BMI is a mediocre metric but almost everyone claiming they couldn't get down to just the overweight portion are just denying they are fat.
Lots of people in this thread are as whiny as the fat bitch CNN asked why fat people shouldn't be told they are fat. BMI is a mediocre metric but almost everyone claiming they couldn't get down to just the overweight portion are just denying they are fat.

Bingo. I know some enormous humans. I also know a lot of fat guys who claim they're not fat.
5' 10" 275 and I'm a fat slob but still smaller than some of the other fat slobs at work lol
If only I could remember to eat, I'm 6' and probably around 145lbs
just never feel hungry

Correct. There were women in the Navy that were 54% body fat. That’s quite the accomplishment.

Wow, bet they floated good :laughing:
Obesity is a disease now? Are you fucking kidding me? Any idiot that took a middle school health or biology class understands what a calorie is, and if output doesn’t equal or exceed input, you’re going to gain weight. Same concept as debt, albeit reversed.

I’m not saying the basic height/weight charts are always correct, or that some people don’t have a faster metabolism than others, but it’s no different than a guy who makes $50k a year needing to spend less than one who makes $250k. You do what you can with what you’ve got.

You see these fat fucks waddling around that can barely move with their 3 year old kid and are tempted to ask them if they want to live to see their kid graduate high school or get married. Now the doc has to ask “are you comfortable discussing your weight?”

My dad was on the overweight/obese line (according to actual charts, which is what most people would label “I could lose a few pounds.”) Dr. told him if he didn’t do something about it he was going to die, sooner rather than later. Thankfully he has for 20+ years now and has met his grandkids, can still walk around and work at 74, etc.

If you weigh over 300 lbs, your fat, end of story. Deal with it.
If you weigh over 300 lbs, your fat, end of story. Deal with it.

Nuh uh! Right in the middle of normal!

6/2 an 190, i'm just barely still "normal" :laughing: I always felt way too thin at 170 or so

just pulled up a BMI calc, yup, just height and weight. no age, no gender :laughing:
Wow, I haven't looked at a BMI chart in a LONG time. Says I should be 167lbs. or less to be a "healthy weight." Even in my peak fitness in my early twenties I was 175lbs. :laughing: Of course, I have been looking for a reason to lean out again...No way I can hit 167lbs. but 175 would be nice.
The BMI chart is a joke for most people. At 6'3" and 270 I am close to the morbidly obese category. Yeah I could stand to lose 20 or so pounds. But to be at 190 to get me into the ideal range I would be close to 0% body fat.

I'm 6'3" and have found 200-210 to be my ideal weight in terms of how I generally feel and am able to perform. I agree that 190 is probably a little too thin.
If you have anything more that a small cucumber of a fat roll, you have an eating disorder and/or an food addiction, and in ultra, ultra rare cases an actual sickness. And yes, it's a problem in the long run.

If they put fat people into categories of sick and not yet sick, what fucking difference does it make?

I though Canadians don't play stupid PC games...
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Who needs a dumb chart to tell you if you are fat? If you can't see your dick then you fat.
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