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Now were up to shooting suspect commits suicide causes looting


Red Skull Member
May 20, 2020
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Man and a woman in a parking garage in counter another man, argument ensues and the man with the woman shoots the other man. They flee but the woman was caught and arrested. Few hours later, the popo catch up to the shooter and the shooter commits suicide in front of the cops and bystanders. Popo never made one shot buuuuuut... dat don’t stop da lootin from happenin.

yes, our society is fucked.
USA is on the brink of an authorian collapse.

It’s easy to disregard it as a joke, but it is no joke. This is how Hitler came into power: people said exactly what they say about Trump - and nobody got off the porch.
It’s something worse but unseen: it’s authoritarianism on display when Trump says things like "12 more years". It's intent, not a joke. North Korea, Iran, Russia, Saddam, Gadhafi, Iran’s ruling mullahs come to mind.

Kids in cages, 80% living from paycheck to paycheck, tens of millions unemployed and facing eviction, 180000+ dead in the out of control pandemic (which is a purposely done thing to create chaos, looting and rioting every night with people getting killed), kids in cages, military in the streets, The ruling party pretending this all doesn't exist.... and the ruling party displays itself as perfect, above the law, fighting Gods battle of good vs. bad...

Next up, after they steal the election and kill the constitution is that people will start disappearing if they say the wrong thing. They already have the military in the streets and he has enough of "his judges" in place - including the mail.

Why are people rioting and looting at every chance? Well, right now they can. Again: nobody is getting off the porch, and soon there will be no more porch to get off of because in the streets are the secret police.

Well then.
USA is on the brink of an authorian collapse.

It’s easy to disregard it as a joke, but it is no joke. This is how Hitler came into power: people said exactly what they say about Trump - and nobody got off the porch.
It’s something worse but unseen: it’s authoritarianism on display when Trump says things like "12 more years". It's intent, not a joke. North Korea, Iran, Russia, Saddam, Gadhafi, Iran’s ruling mullahs come to mind.

Kids in cages, 80% living from paycheck to paycheck, tens of millions unemployed and facing eviction, 180000+ dead in the out of control pandemic (which is a purposely done thing to create chaos, looting and rioting every night with people getting killed), kids in cages, military in the streets, The ruling party pretending this all doesn't exist.... and the ruling party displays itself as perfect, above the law, fighting Gods battle of good vs. bad...

Next up, after they steal the election and kill the constitution is that people will start disappearing if they say the wrong thing. They already have the military in the streets and he has enough of "his judges" in place - including the mail.

Why are people rioting and looting at every chance? Well, right now they can. Again: nobody is getting off the porch, and soon there will be no more porch to get off of because in the streets are the secret police.

Well then.

So your takeaway from this is that Trump is an authoritarian and that is the problem? Pay attention son.
We will see. I would own up to it and admit I was wrong, and you can have a field day with it. I expect the same from you.
USA is on the brink of an authorian collapse.

It’s easy to disregard it as a joke, but it is no joke. This is how Hitler came into power: people said exactly what they say about Trump - and nobody got off the porch.
It’s something worse but unseen: it’s authoritarianism on display when Trump says things like "12 more years". It's intent, not a joke. North Korea, Iran, Russia, Saddam, Gadhafi, Iran’s ruling mullahs come to mind.

Kids in cages, 80% living from paycheck to paycheck, tens of millions unemployed and facing eviction, 180000+ dead in the out of control pandemic (which is a purposely done thing to create chaos, looting and rioting every night with people getting killed), kids in cages, military in the streets, The ruling party pretending this all doesn't exist.... and the ruling party displays itself as perfect, above the law, fighting Gods battle of good vs. bad...

Next up, after they steal the election and kill the constitution is that people will start disappearing if they say the wrong thing. They already have the military in the streets and he has enough of "his judges" in place - including the mail.

Why are people rioting and looting at every chance? Well, right now they can. Again: nobody is getting off the porch, and soon there will be no more porch to get off of because in the streets are the secret police.

Well then.

So this is President Trump's fault? I really thought nothingwillchange had you in the stupidest category but damn...you're giving him a good run.
So this is President Trump's fault? I really thought nothingwillchange had you in the stupidest category but damn...you're giving him a good run.

im still living rent free up there?

has the president come out to calm things down by asking for calming and letting justice do its thing?
So this is President Trump's fault? I really thought nothingwillchange had you in the stupidest category but damn...you're giving him a good run.

It's not Trump's fault - I can't fault him for trying, it's inevitably human nature. But we could try to be better.
I wonder who will get off the porch when he sets the constitution fire?

Just in case anyone reminded you lately. You are completely out of touch with reality.

Said the guy from a tiny mountain town with 5 streets... Do you even have a single black person there? Or would people stop and gawk if one comes shopping?
Kids in cages mentioned twice, must have a thing for that eh? That policy wasn't started or signed off by trump but he sure as fuck gets 1000% of the credit for it because people don't like him. :homer:
We will see. I would own up to it and admit I was wrong, and you can have a field day with it. I expect the same from you.

quoted for posterity... and because Maury determined that is a lie.
It's not Trump's fault - I can't fault him for trying, it's inevitably human nature. But we could try to be better.
I wonder who will get off the porch when he sets the constitution fire?

Said the guy from a tiny mountain town with 5 streets... Do you even have a single black person there? Or would people stop and gawk if one comes shopping?

Dyam you must be on a 24/7 commie news network binge.
It's not Trump's fault - I can't fault him for trying, it's inevitably human nature. But we could try to be better.
I wonder who will get off the porch when he sets the constitution fire?

Said the guy from a tiny mountain town with 5 streets... Do you even have a single black person there? Or would people stop and gawk if one comes shopping?

I live surrounded by Native American reservations. Cortez to the west is predominantly Navajo and Spanish population. Durango to the west is predominantly southern Ute and has plenty of Spanish and black people. My fiancé’s grandmother might be surprised to see a black person but the rest of aren’t.

It is mostly rural republican around here though. :flipoff2:

So when antifa came here to protest, and they did. They were met by armed militia folks who far outnumbered the bussed in white antifa/blm idiots. They said a few words, got back on their busses and returned to where they came from without incident.
Biden finally condemns the violence, will they stop paying the paid protester/instigators to slow things down demonstrating his leadership?
has the president come out to calm things down by asking for calming and letting justice do its thing?

Have you ever told your SO to 'calm down'? Did it work?

Has the MSM ever let Trumps words stand on their own merit without spinning it up to what they say he meant?

I almost spent more time on this reply but then realized that my time would be better spent doing literally anything else.

:usa:Trump 2020:usa:

Kids in cages

When Obama put kids in cages you said nothing. Stop pretending that you care, we see through you.
This is why nobody can respect anything you say and everything that comes from you is nothing but fake bullshit.
Have you ever told your SO to 'calm down'? Did it work?

Has the MSM ever let Trumps words stand on their own merit without spinning it up to what they say he meant?

I almost spent more time on this reply but then realized that my time would be better spent doing literally anything else.

:usa:Trump 2020:usa:


i agree.
USA is on the brink of an authorian collapse.

It’s easy to disregard it as a joke, but it is no joke. This is how Hitler came into power: people said exactly what they say about Trump - and nobody got off the porch.
It’s something worse but unseen: it’s authoritarianism on display when Trump says things like "12 more years". It's intent, not a joke. North Korea, Iran, Russia, Saddam, Gadhafi, Iran’s ruling mullahs come to mind.

Kids in cages, 80% living from paycheck to paycheck, tens of millions unemployed and facing eviction, 180000+ dead in the out of control pandemic (which is a purposely done thing to create chaos, looting and rioting every night with people getting killed), kids in cages, military in the streets, The ruling party pretending this all doesn't exist.... and the ruling party displays itself as perfect, above the law, fighting Gods battle of good vs. bad...

Next up, after they steal the election and kill the constitution is that people will start disappearing if they say the wrong thing. They already have the military in the streets and he has enough of "his judges" in place - including the mail.

Why are people rioting and looting at every chance? Well, right now they can. Again: nobody is getting off the porch, and soon there will be no more porch to get off of because in the streets are the secret police.

Well then.

Your path to get there is a pot-addled and confused one, but you are correct in pointing out some similarities. Except that Trump is part of an established Party within a failing Republic. So he would be more like Hugenburg in the German National People's Party, or the main conservative party.

So, there is no 'Hitler'. Trump is part of the Elite. Hitler was a Corporal who was from the equivalent of the American middle middle-class. So the 'American Hitler's' father would be a GS employee, but not of high rank because they lack education. Say a GS-11 who worked at the Post Office (US civil service ranks go to GS-15).

In any case, there would also have to be a two-decade period of open political assassinations and open rebellion. Not burning up a Macy's, actual armed troops in the streets every couple of years, with the conservative veterans, the Friekorps, putting the Commies down.

There would also have to be widespread poverty and hunger among the Upper Middle Class. The US's problem right now is an overabundance of food and too much electronic entertainment.

Also, the infamous Inflation. The US is still creating wealth at breakneck speed for a mature economy, after 2008 it was only a couple of years before people got back into the Mortgage game, and most families make $100,000+ in 10-15 years on their homes. Meanwhile in Germany, people were carrying their money to the market in big flour sacks. At one point, it was possible to start a day job for a wage which wouldn't pay your trolley fare home that night.

You would also need millions of jilted Veterans, as in the entire surviving male generation between 45-75 years old being hardened combat veterans who fought in perhaps the most atrocious conditions in human history. The US meanwhile is getting out of 19 years of wars which yielded about 7,000 deaths total, with less than 50,000 people seeing even a brief stint of high-intensity combat. And after their patrol down the airport runway, they came back to base and had a selection of KFC, Taco Bell, Md'Ds, or Subway to eat. Then TV and the weight room. Maybe a BBQ and Robin Williams would show up and do a set.

I mean we're not really close man.
You mean a guy that gets paid for views would never ....
Come on now.

Then we would have to be disarmed by Russia and China, after a war in which we were beating the Russians but then Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Chuck Schumer made peace with them even though the Army didn't think they lost. Our fleet would be required to sail to St. Petersburg, then one day after a bad set of negotiations in Beijing, where China and Russia demanded we pay their national debts, our Navy would scuttle every Aircraft Carrier and Ballistic Missile Submarine just off Krondstad. If we got uppity, China would come and occupy California until we agreed to pay up on our reparations.

We'd be stuck with two old Essex-class aircraft carriers, and not allowed to have submarines. Our armed forces would be restricted to 100,000 guys who would have to practice with broomsticks instead of rifles.
You have some cnn dripping off your chin.

Although I am the espoused effer of the non quoting, that only applies to the mouthbreathers, or those I deem repugnant. So I can quote when I want to Kass Syn Sky fuck off :laughing:

That said, best quote of the day. Here's to you !! :beer::beer::beer:
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