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Non South East Meatchicken Weather

Been just stupid windy here for two days. Out of the southeast. Very unusual. Like 25-30mph constant with gust of like 40 mph that might last a solid minute. Awful. Can’t do anything in it.
Been just stupid windy here for two days. Out of the southeast. Very unusual. Like 25-30mph constant with gust of like 40 mph that might last a solid minute. Awful. Can’t do anything in it.
Same here, strong southeast breeze.
Currently getting some flurries.

Guess I should have checked the forecast...shorts were a tad optimistic today.
Currently getting some flurries.

Guess I should have checked the forecast...shorts were a tad optimistic today.

My white chicken legs never see the sun unless I'm swimming, lol. Always jeans, all the time. And always Pro Rodeo Wranglers, lol.
Dry most of the morning and even a few peaks of the sun.

Now it's been lake effecting...some rain, a few snowflakes and a bunch of sleet a little while ago.
A little wind, a little hail. Lots of lightning.

Good to know that our severe weather warning system is totally fubarred. I could hear the nader sirens in the distance, but not the one closest to me.

Checked the radar, saw it wasn't close or coming my way and went back to sleep.
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