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No Mask Challenge


May 19, 2020
Member Number
Tucson Az
Remember the haircut thread? I was solidly in the "don't be a cheap fuck, I'll pay $20 to have chesticles rubbed on me instead of looking like I cut my hair myself like a retard" camp.

Walked into 2 places they required masks. Fuck that, I took pointers from the cheap fucks and used masking tape for my fade, June 6th no mask:flipoff2:

I still haven't worn one and I still won't, not even a fake mask. If you want my business it's on my terms I am sure I can find whatever I am looking for somewhere else. From what I've noticed around here it's almost a fashion statement at this point.:rolleyes:
Still no mask here. Haircut wanted a mask, I went home and for the first time ever, I cut my own hair. Not too bad, just gotta slow doing the back part with two mirrors.
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Have had to wear one for work a little bit, I have to go into houses sometimes. We’ve pretty much said fuck any other guidelines for work though. Got a hair cut last week. Been putting it off because all the chain places want you to wear a mask. But I found a 1 man barber shop I never knew about that doesn’t give a shit. Have him my business instead.
Now that it’s pretty much summer weather, they can kiss my ass even in a store that requires them.
Got my hair cut Friday morning, lady does mine and mom's hair, IIRC she is approaching 70, short round, gave me a hug when I came in. Cut my hair trimmed my beard for $10. then I went out sat in the car while she did mom's which took a bit longer than mine
Everyone here still wearing masks in all stores, barber shops. Seems like a country full of intelligent people!

You know what barber shops don't force masks? The MUSLIM ONES :) The ones behind their Mosques, for instance.
Well, only the really dumb ones, the higher end muslim hair places all comply of course.
I shave my head, so no issues there. Haven't worn a mask once through all of this.

Minus the whole legs for arms and ear piercings, I've got the Gary Nickens look going on. I don't even know how a mask would fit on me.
I wore one getting a hair cut because my communist state gets the biggest bomer fineing and shutting people down. I'll play along if it means they dont get fined or in trouble. I'm looking out for the small business owners in this case.
I am starting to look like a fucking old hippie... These two women got into it yesterday at the store. Old lady tell younger girl to keep her distance; young girl replied "Why don't you just stay home and hide under the bed?".
Fucking 2020 is turning into one very large cluster fuck. Someone upstairs is laughing his ass off!
Still haven't wore a mask into anything. Went into the Homo Despot a couple weeks back and bypasses their stupid line. Had 2 employees yelling at me about a line and mask, but i kept walking fast down the rows weaving in and out. Worked until security grabbed me and shoved me out an emergency exit :laughing: fuck that place. Only time i wear a mask is when i clean litter boxes from my feral cats.
Mask at work because its mandatory. Other than that...nope.

The one in my avatar is last year in the UP to keep the dust out (pre covid)
Still no mask here. Haircut wanted a mask, I went home and for the first time ever, I cut my own hair. Not too bad, just gotta slow doing the back part with two mirrors.

Pull off the guard and go to. Takes less time. You just keep going until there are no more tiny hairs falling and the buzzer are in monotone. Perfect every time.

I get compliments at how good it loos. I look like Opie at the beginning of summer.
Everyone here still wearing masks in all stores, barber shops. Seems like a country full of intelligent people!
Seems like a country full of morons.


WHO: "From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual," Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, head of WHO's emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, said at a news briefing from the United Nations agency's Geneva headquarters. "It's very rare."

"We have a number of reports from countries who are doing very detailed contact tracing," she said. "They're following asymptomatic cases. They're following contacts. And they're not finding secondary transmission onward. It's very rare."

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