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NFA as a shield from gun control?


Well-known member
May 20, 2020
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We all know that the libs will go right back to ramming gun control down everyone’s throats after the election, regardless of who wins.

Unfortunately, they won’t attempt a mass confiscation, it will be bit by bit like the bump stock ban. First AR pistols, then 40 rounders and drums, then 30 rd mags, then an AWB with a grandfather clause.

The vast majority of gun owners are spineless and will either comply, justify a grandfathered ban (“I don’t care, I’ve got mine, you should have bought yours already too”), or just hide them in their attic and brag privately what a badass they are (“I lost all my stuff in a boating accident.”) :shaking:

I get that nobody with a family, house, career, etc is going to fly the Gonzales and take their last stand for the right to own a gimmick like a Magpul D60, but it’s not going to stop with that.

I’ve finally jumped on the NFA train with a couple cans, I haven’t been a fan of “registering” things with the gov, but if you buy ammo online and have a CHL they already know enough. With that barrier out of the way, I will probably end up with filing SBR paperwork for one of my AR’s. This has brought to mind whether the NFA process with its additional paperwork, fingerprints, long-standing laws, etc, could all be used to protect guns from a future grab. It seems filing everything that might fit under a an AWB as an SBR/SBS might allow it to be passed down to your kids if they have a “no transfer” clause as part of it, or keep them in your possession is they go full bore “hand them in now.”

Thoughts one way or the other?
Trump needs to seed the supreme court FULLY so we have a chance against the loonies!
nfa- fed or not aint gunna save us in my opinion ...
NFA stuff will be the first to get confiscated if it comes to that.
NFA stuff will be the first to get confiscated if it comes to that.

Why do you think that? It seems to me that it’s much easier to create new laws than to overturn existing ones.

I can see them attempting to regulate any semi auto rifles with detachable magazines in a similar manner (fingerprints, tax, wait, etc), but it would probably be easier for them to get a ban passed which is their goal anyways.
Gun confiscation is a non issue right now. I think the other side has figured out the importance about self protection lately and it would be a losing issue. Not only that, IMHO it's gonna be an ammo thing. Look whats happening right now with the shortage, stop the ammo and all you got is a club...:grinpimp:
Sorry to burst you wheelers bubble but NFA is the definition of gun control.

Them (alphabet agencies) not knowing what one has via a gun show or 80% builds is the safest bet IMHO.
Why do you think that? It seems to me that it’s much easier to create new laws than to overturn existing ones.

I can see them attempting to regulate any semi auto rifles with detachable magazines in a similar manner (fingerprints, tax, wait, etc), but it would probably be easier for them to get a ban passed which is their goal anyways.

Because they know where they all are that’s why. According to the government NFA items are the most evil of guns.
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I've been weighing jumping into the nfa game. I technically own 2 cans but haven't done paperwork and might rehome them. Aside from the like $1k initial cash outlay for stamps the gun control thing and now being registered is another thing. While I can never be sure I would think that if there was a mass confiscation nfa items would be first since the are the "scariest" and they know reasonably well where they are. Unlike normal firearms where only a couple states have registration and trying to get 4473s from dealers. Even if no dealers "accidently" have a fire it would still be a monumentally slow task to gather those, import them, track new addresses, etc.

Now I have thought about renewing my c&r since I already had one and numerous other countries that have gone into gun control have allowances for "collectors and historians". Having a c&r, some random reference books and a few clearly collectable firearms may go a long way in showing that you should have an exemption.
Uh, not even close. They will go after low hanging fruit first, all the FUDS/ Sheep.

So you are saying they’d go door to door in hopes of finding a gun instead of going straight to the most controlled firearms where they know exactly where they are being kept?
So you are saying they’d go door to door in hopes of finding a gun instead of going straight to the most controlled firearms where they know exactly where they are being kept?

No, I said they'd go after the fuds and sheep first. Plenty people will give them up willingly, then they can trace the rest through 4473's and collect those. Although your answer should always be that you sold it.

NFA items make up a super small percentage of guns in this country, I'd even say the majority are suppressors by now.
Because they know where they all are that’s why. According to the government NFA items are the most evil of guns.

Only thing to add here is that anyone who "possesses" a Form1 or Form4 will discover that the SWAT team has already surrounded their house BEFORE the front door is kicked in, Waco-style, because *they* know what I own. Form1 or Form4 won't be a magic talisman against any possible confiscation.
If they are going door to door confiscating all firearms, the time to use them as written in the constitution has LONG since passed. Hopefully we have enough patriots with a pair that would stand up and fight. Sure, the first few will be viewed as the Waco/Bundy “gun nuts”, but when it turns into the guy you talk to at your kids soccer practice, or their math teacher, hopefully even the sheep will stand up and question what’s happening (see the Covid gun buying rush).

There’s no doubt there will be a bunch of idiots who hand over the majority of their guns and then laugh at how they “pulled a fast one” on the feds because they didn’t find the Mosin Nagant or polymer 80% AR lower they bought at a gun show. :shaking:

Again, if you’ve ever ordered ammo online, or probably even bought it with a credit card, posted what you own on a forum at some point, or have a CHL, they know you have firearms.

My point had to do more with just an AWB or passing them onto your kids. I’d think there would still be some precedent set by it being legal under the NFA and harder to overrule. I might be wrong though, as plenty of communist states ban SBR’s, SBS’s, and cans. I assume somebody has tried to form 1 something in a state where it’s not allowed and been denied?
To the OP's question, I'm in the same boat. But I have to say I'm leaning to the opposite opinion. I think having NFA items will make you a target. I think a better approach would to buy more stuff private. (No gun dealer, so no paper trail)

As far as SBR's and cans, I don't have any. I can make them very quick in my shop if I want/need them. So I am completely legal at this time. I believe the law says you can't have the parts to build such stuff. But raw tubing and a lathe does not constitute "parts". I will not break the law till the government blatantly defies the constitution. I know, some would say that has allready happend.
The question will always be - What is your tipping point?

That’s the real question to me as well. They know they can keep banning gimmicks, I’m not going to end up in prison or the grave for a bump stock. Sadly, I think an AWB that allows you to keep what you currently own but not buy or transfer them won’t be enough to push most people over the edge. A “hand them in by the end of the year, or we’re coming to take them” probably would.

As as far as the suppressors go, I primarily want them to hunt with my kids. I don’t think a 4 year old should be sitting 2’ away from a .30-06 barking, and putting ear pro on them the whole time is likely to result in them yelling at me as they try to whisper. :laughing:

They legalized cans for hunting here a few years ago, so I figured I might as well go for it.
Look at UK and Aus for examples...

I think by the time it comes to confiscating NFA or fudds, it doesn't make any difference at all which is marginally first- the game is irretrievably lost at that point.
Look at UK and Aus for examples...

I think by the time it comes to confiscating NFA or fudds, it doesn't make any difference at all which is marginally first- the game is irretrievably lost at that point.

Correct and at that point building an SBR?SBS or a machine gun is irrelevant
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