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New Mexico Peeps you gonna be off restriction at the end of the month?


Drunken Hobbit
May 21, 2020
Member Number
I have a two week trip with stops in Santa Fe, Taos, Farmington before we go to the Free states. Is your governor going to be done punishing you? Are there secret spots that normal people can go eat, see, and enjoy your state?
We don't know the Queen hasn't allowed we serfs to know, but listening to the hystria being perpetuated by the news media. Everyday the number of postive tests "now called cases" goes up the number in the hospital seems to be staying about the same and when you investigate deaths they are either older people or people with an underlying illiness. I would say if we don't stay shut down till January I'll be surprised
Well the hotel in Farmington just canceled our reservations.
Well the hotel in Farmington just canceled our reservations.

Sorry to hear that, so far ours in Deming hasn't cancelled on us for this week I was worried when the Queen decreed her restart of the earlier shut down, then their phone system went down! Farmington is a whole nother ball of wax the reservation up there has been hit pretty hard.
The resort in Santa Fe is closed now due to covid but opens up one week before we get there. I am worried that there will be nothing but shitty fast food take out to eat? if they are open
Plague Rat stay home !!! :lmao::lmao::lmao:
I are essential employee!
I don't know I live Central NM and do not go north unless I absolutely have to. Our local resteraunt has take out, we are figuring on lots of drive through while in Deming.
I'm noticing a trend. Seems like regularly when people talk about over reaching power, nanny state bs, or crazy executive oversight, there's a "she" in the first couple words of the sentence. I'm getting ready to promote an end to womans suffrage. I'm all for bitches having some say, but if they can't keep the world turning, they shouldn't get to say in what direction.
Ya we are fucked till prob end of jan is my opinion. The grinch i mean the bitch i mean mlg is going to do everything she can to kill this state as fast as she can.
as far as anything around farmington being ooen good luck, its either fast food or take out. But durango is only 45 min away and slightlt more free than us.
I can get some magic delicious candy in CO to boot!
Well the queen has spoken again.

New Mexico Essential Businesses Closed By Governor For Two Weeks

By Scott Hounsell | Nov 24, 2020 9:15 PM ET


P Photo/Morgan Lee
When the Coronavirus panic started, we were told that as long as we wear our masks and maintained social distancing, we would “flatten the curve” and be able to return to normal. We’ve been lectured about “doing our part” and “protecting those who are most vulnerable.” We were told that as long as we followed the rules, we would never be denied access to food or any other essential items.

Now, out of New Mexico, it has been announced that Liberal Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has ordered more than a dozen essential businesses in the state will be shut for at least two weeks as COVID-19 cases rise.

From the Washington Examiner:
A dozen grocery stores around the state have been forced to close for two weeks because of a public health order issued by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham at a time when the state’s residents are suffering from record high unemployment and food insecurity, critics say.

The order requires businesses with four or more rapid responses of COVID-19 cases reported within in a 14-day period to close for two weeks.

More than 25 essential businesses were shut down as of Monday afternoon, including a number of grocery stores and major retailers.

The closures include two Walmarts in Albuquerque and one in Santa Fe, an Albertson’s in Roswell, a Smiths Food & Drug Center in Albuquerque and New Mexico Food Distribution Center in Albuquerque.​

This again goes back to the complete disconnect from facts, from which most Democrats suffer. Supply is inherently limited. There is not an unlimited amount of product or the ability to deliver the said product. When suddenly you limit the ability to deliver the said product, or the availability to get said product from a certain location, it will inherently increase demand on other locations and their limited supply.

Additionally, announcing this move the way they did, will likely create a rush on certain products, leading to shortages at the stores that do remain open. These actions do not occur in a vacuum and the potential for this to create shortages is high.

More from the Examiner:
Access to purchase food is now limited because of another order issued by the governor requiring capacity limitations at all stores. New Mexicans are now waiting outside, standing in line for up to two hours, local news reports indicate, which the governor’s office has disputed.

The governor’s office said, “The state is not forcing anyone to stand in a crowded line, as you suggest,” in response to requests for comment from KOB4 News TV.

But John Block at PInon Post says the governor’s office claims are “untrue and easily disprovable.” He posted photos of New Mexicans waiting in long lines outside of grocery stores with dates and time stamps. The photos were taken between Nov. 13 and Nov. 23.

“Upon the news that limits of 75 people inside each store, retailers pre-emptively began limiting capacities to begin compliance with the mandate,” Block said.​

It becomes even more clear that people within the Governor’s office lack any ability to understand basic economics with the Governor’s office in response to the fact that supply has become limited as a result of this latest policy.
“There is no community in the state of New Mexico where COVID-19 closures have closed off all food and water or medicine options for any community or group of people. Every single community where the virus is forcing closures has alternate stores, alternate resources. Moreover, stores are only ordered closed for the protection of public safety when the store’s staff members have an abundance of COVID-19 infections among them – surely you and everyone in New Mexico can agree that not one of us would like to be shopping among staff that are contagious.”​

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and her staff probably should see if any Community Colleges are offering any online classes for Economics 101 for the Winter.

Thank God I got out of the Land of Entrapment when I could... Walz isn't much better, but he hasn't ordered any grocery stores or distribution centers closed, either.
It's fucking insane. People are lined up around grocery stores at all hours to try and buy food.

It is like soviet Russia and waiting in line to get your daily bread. Un-fucking-real.
Eldest niece just said The Queen had to back off, they now have to test every two weeks
I have been on the road so I hadn't heard
I just came out of Abq on Fri. I was at the TA there Thurs evening and seemed fine, only a few idiots walking around in masks. Same with where I loaded. No issues.

I stopped in Roswell and got to see the 1st hand stupidity of this. Damn near everything was closed down. Only a few fast food places and of course Walmart was open, which was packed with cars and people standing in a long ass line.

My 1st thought was, "is this what the soviet union was like?"

Y'all have fun that that communism.
My little brother who lives in Aztec NM was exposed last week by a co worker who tested positive for a Covid Thursday. Work put him on quarantine and brother got super sick over the weekend. He double tested positive today for Covid.

Grocery stores are open but at reduced capacity so there is lines to get in. Lots of NM plates up in southern Colorado just across the border. I just drove by Durango Walmart a little bit ago, place was packed.
My little brother who lives in Aztec NM was exposed last week by a co worker who tested positive for a Covid Thursday. Work put him on quarantine and brother got super sick over the weekend. He double tested positive today for Covid.

Grocery stores are open but at reduced capacity so there is lines to get in. Lots of NM plates up in southern Colorado just across the border. I just drove by Durango Walmart a little bit ago, place was packed.

Grocery stores have an imposed capacity of 75 people or 25% of the building's rated capacity; whichever is less :mad3:

Hopefully this passes before I run out of food in the house.
The little queen is well hated in SE NM and the Sheriff has stated repeatedly that he will not enforce her policies.
Edit, sheriff of Roosevelt county.
Well, what did she say? you off restriction?
Bigun are you still coming to Deming? There's a few really good Mexican restaurants doing the takeout deal. Benji's, is the best, Irma's a close second, Tacos Mirasol is pretty much a taqueria
Bigun are you still coming to Deming? There's a few really good Mexican restaurants doing the takeout deal. Benji's, is the best, Irma's a close second, Tacos Mirasol is pretty much a taqueria

We came down on Wednesday before Thanksgiving and were going to stay till Saturday, but my niece had to do online teacher stuff on Friday so we came home early.
My sister raves about Irma's bean stuffed sopapillas, to me it's typically mexican restaurant food.
I had wondered about Tacos Mirasol, not sure if we have been to Benji's. I was doing shutdown at the smelter in 1991 I frequented the LaFonda then when I got the time off. Which if you have worked a shut down you'll know it wasn't often.

My niece's family tends to eat out a lot!
I have to drag this one back up for this, I am sure it won't last on yout tube long

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