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New Covid killer. Bug spray.


Ol' School member
May 20, 2020
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Scientists find that Citriodiol, ingredient in insect repellent, can kill COVID-19

August 26, 2020 | 12:05pm

British scientists have discovered that an active ingredient found in insect repellent can kill COVID-19, according to a report.

Researchers at the UK’s Defense Science and Technology Laboratory determined that Citriodiol can help fight coronavirus in a preliminary study, Sky News reported.

Insect repellents containing Citriodiol are not believed to be enough alone to protect people from the virus but can be used as an additional layer of defense along with face masks, hand washing and other health recommendations, according to the report.

Citriodiol — which has approval from the US Environmental Protection Agency — is derived from the leaves and twigs of the eucalyptus citriodora tree.

Jacqueline Watson, managing director of Citrefine, which produces the naturally sourced active ingredient, previously said she was optimistic that it could help stop the spread of the virus.

“What we can say is that we do feel there is a very good chance it could work against this virus but it does of course need to be thoroughly tested,” she said

Guess that will be the NEXT shortage :laughing:
Hmm local dollar store was closing out their summer stock so I bought all their citronella lamp oil for a buck a bottle
People still give a shit about coronavirus?

All of my older female relatives believe if we leave the state we will have to go into quarantine when we cross the state line. No matter how many times I explain that that only was for people flying from NY and places like that at the begining of the shut down, one of them heard it from someone else and they passed it on to all the sisters, and they keep repeating it to each other...:rolleyes:
Scientists find that Citriodiol, ingredient in insect repellent, can kill COVID-19

Insect repellents containing Citriodiol are not believed to be enough alone to protect people from the virus but can be used as an additional layer of defense along with face masks, hand washing and other health recommendations, according to the report.

Jacqueline Watson, managing director of Citrefine, which produces the naturally sourced active ingredient, previously said she was optimistic that it could help stop the spread of the virus.

Smells like bullshit
Jacqueline Watson, you're going to find out what it's like to be Trump now.

Idiots around the globe....drink up!

Then we blame her. Ok?
People still give a shit about coronavirus?

Duuuude...... Ive been working in El Paso this week and what I see going on regarding Covid-19 out here is absolutely outrageous.... Mask mandate everywhere in the city, restaurants and hotels still at 1/2 capacity, bars closed ect. There are "Protect yourself and loved ones by masking" commercials on the radio every 5min and the local TV stations are broadcasting commercials featuring people with masks. These dumb fucks out here are eating it up by the shovel full and the media and local government are spewing the fear mongering by the truckload. I've traveled to 4 or 5 different states for work during the Covid pandemic, some at the hight of it all, and not one place I went was this bad. EVER!!

I had an enlightening (for him) 2 hour conversation with my buddies 17 year old kid out here today after work when my buddy told his kid that I have not worn a mask this entire time this shit has been going on and travel for work frequently. Kid is totally brainwashed and swears everyone is going to die if they dont wear masks and stay away from each other. According to him we are all asymptomatic and spreading it like a California wild fire. My buddy and his wife are not like this. They went to Sturgis with like 20 other couples and 300,000 more non mask wearing people and not a single one of them, or anybody they know got sick or died. At one point I asked him to go get me the box he got the mask out of so I can read to him the part about it not being effective against the spread of Covid, then asked him why we all need to be wearing masks again..... Kid was speechless. Every point he tried to drive home was some bullshit story straight from the liberal news he swore were 100% accurate. It was easy to poke holes in his stories using known facts about the virus and eventually he gave up. Short time later he took off his mask and kept hanging out with us in the garage bullshiting about dirt bikes. I think hearing the facts being pointed out by someone other than his parents may have been the push he needed to finally see the light. :smokin:
Are the Democrats going to tell us to inject Citriodiol now?
Duuuude...... Ive been working in El Paso this week and what I see going on regarding Covid-19 out here is absolutely outrageous.... Mask mandate everywhere in the city, restaurants and hotels still at 1/2 capacity, bars closed ect. There are "Protect yourself and loved ones by masking" commercials on the radio every 5min and the local TV stations are broadcasting commercials featuring people with masks. These dumb fucks out here are eating it up by the shovel full and the media and local government are spewing the fear mongering by the truckload. I've traveled to 4 or 5 different states for work during the Covid pandemic, some at the hight of it all, and not one place I went was this bad. EVER!!

I had an enlightening (for him) 2 hour conversation with my buddies 17 year old kid out here today after work when my buddy told his kid that I have not worn a mask this entire time this shit has been going on and travel for work frequently. Kid is totally brainwashed and swears everyone is going to die if they dont wear masks and stay away from each other. According to him we are all asymptomatic and spreading it like a California wild fire. My buddy and his wife are not like this. They went to Sturgis with like 20 other couples and 300,000 more non mask wearing people and not a single one of them, or anybody they know got sick or died. At one point I asked him to go get me the box he got the mask out of so I can read to him the part about it not being effective against the spread of Covid, then asked him why we all need to be wearing masks again..... Kid was speechless. Every point he tried to drive home was some bullshit story straight from the liberal news he swore were 100% accurate. It was easy to poke holes in his stories using known facts about the virus and eventually he gave up. Short time later he took off his mask and kept hanging out with us in the garage bullshiting about dirt bikes. I think hearing the facts being pointed out by someone other than his parents may have been the push he needed to finally see the light. :smokin:

One down, 300 million to go. Get busy, would ya?
So the virus has a nose now? Tiny ass wings too?
How the fuck should this work?

Well with your weird ass "We're all just a small part of one big organism" quasi religious theory,it shouldn't be too hard for you to figure out.

Or did you figure out that's a crock of shit ,also?
Great, I have bug spray on my shopping list and now it will be off the shelf.
i heard that bleach kills the virus so ive been adding it to my coffee instead of creamer

so far so good.
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