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New branch of the service...

That's a goofy name.:lmao:

.........and they're using the startrek symbol. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

So I know that its tin foil. But do you think the space force has anything to do with the China lazer fires on the west coast theory? Are they thinking alien invasion ? Or just another hole to dump tax payers money into?
US Space Force has been a thing for a while now.

Yup, it's not brand new.

The United States Space Force is the space service branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, and is one of the eight U.S. uniformed services. Wikipedia
Founded: December 20, 2019
Headquarters: The Pentagon; Arlington County, Virginia, U.S.
March: "The U.S. Space Force March" (interim)
Size: 2,501 active duty personnel; 13,590 assigned airmen; 77 spacecraft
Role: Space warfare
Secretary of the Air Force: Barbara Barrett
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Well let's hope all those years of EVE Online come into use one day. :flipoff2:
Even Reagan talked about this many years ago. Its going to happen. The use of satellites extends far beyond military use. So if a freind or foe entity chose attack or retaliate against their enemy, disabling their information link to the satellite would be devastating. OR even hijacking a satellite or wiretapping all the info passing through the satellite, they are vulnerable to attack of any kind. And help is a lonnnggg ways away.

We defend our communication links here on earth, why not in space?
Isn't this what NASA should be doing ?

NASA is non-military. They do assist the Air Force (and the Space Force), and carry some intelligence satellites, but their mission is specifically non-weaponized.

So I know that its tin foil. But do you think the space force has anything to do with the China lazer fires on the west coast theory? Are they thinking alien invasion ? Or just another hole to dump tax payers money into?

Back in the Cold War, most of the treaties that happened happened because the US could outspend the Soviet Union. The US won the Space Race with Apollo 11, so the instead of falling further behind, the Soviets agreed to de-militarization of space.

Russia has begun violating treaties like intermediate ballistic missiles and nuclear propulsion. And unlike the '60s, when space was really expensive for not much benefit, space is now a lot cheaper and has massive effects.

China also violates every single treaty any time they can.

It's all very rational, if not desirable. It would have been nice to not spend military money in space other than spy sats, but not to be unfortunately.
Where the F have you guys (OP) been? This has been around for a while now.....
So I know that its tin foil. But do you think the space force has anything to do with the China lazer fires on the west coast theory? Are they thinking alien invasion ? Or just another hole to dump tax payers money into?

we have to fight off the bugz!


would you like to know more?
So I know that its tin foil. But do you think the space force has anything to do with the China lazer fires on the west coast theory? Are they thinking alien invasion ? Or just another hole to dump tax payers money into?

Why spend billions of dollars developing an expensive and easily detected orbital laser system (or ground based with a giant orbital mirror which would be even harder to pull off since the beam has to go through the atmosphere twice) when you can just send someone over with a box of road flares?
Castro WHO?
YER A PUPPY, :lmao:
Only commies I associate with are cigars and Sacramento:flipoff2:
For some reason, all I can imagine is the movie moonraker..... Without the hot bitches tho.
Is that the one with Tim "the tool man" Taylor?

No, that was Galaxy Quest which is a funny and fully underrated movie taking shots at the space movie genre with Sigourney Weaver in all her awesome glory doing fantastic work. Along with Alan Rickman.
Seems like a lot of waste and duplication could have been avoided if it was just made a duty of the Air Force....I know it’s the .gov

It used to fall under Air Force Space Command.

Having a separate branch gives them their own (probably larger) budget. Also cuts some red tape.
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