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Nerds: Anyone got a Steamdeck


Red Skull Member
May 20, 2020
Member Number
I'm not a heavy gamer, but its a way to unwind at the end of the day. Now that I work from home at my PC all day, then do all the paperwork for my side biz my gaming has basically dropped to zero. I don't want to spend any more time in that chair.

Looking at these steamdeck console things. Seems like a pretty solid option, plus since its linux based it should be moddable. Also easier to travel with for work.

So anyone got one? Any feedback? I'm looking at the smallest one, then get a big SD card and later upgrade the internal when some good options come on the market.

Steam Deck

A sexual act which is the combination of the venerable "Cleveland Steamer" with an "Upper Decker". To preform this maneuver, one must first defecate into their willing partner's open mouth. Then after depressing the left ear of the one whom's mouth had just been shat into, they must swallow the still steaming payload. (Attempting to emulate a flushing sound while doing so is optional)
Not first hand, but personally read good stuff about them.

As for the video game console, I have no idea.

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