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Need some advice on a shitty deal

Is a Patient Advocate a 3rd party service or someone internal to this place?

Depends. Could be someone that works at the facility it can be a state agent or official but can be an outside contractor for the state. I believe in grandads case they worked for the facilities parent company. Kinda like the Safety guy where you work. They work for the company but have the authority to bitch slap anyone who works there. They generally take their job very seriously.
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And likely get arrested when they ask you to leave and you dont. We literally just went through this with my grandfather before he passed. Get a patient advocate they will have it dealt with in a few hours.

The homes are getting hit from all sides, their management trying to CYA with the state lockdown rules, the state care requirements/regulations, and patients families that are often screaming obscenities at them.

​​​Most times the staff at the home just needs to be told to get their head out of their ass. Such as b
in the case of being able to bring in blankets, warm clothes or space heaters. The patient advocate can also set up a schedule for them to contact you with updates that if the home doesnt follow can adversly affect their license.

So be it...if it were my loved one, they'd have to drag me away to stop me from taking care of my family.
Call them and ask for a compassionate care visit. May be different in your state, but here in kansas they are required to allow those visits.

Oh and fuck anyone who thinks this shit is right, keeping people locked away from your fear. Fuck you.
Which wouldnt get anything accomplished.

Fighting against someone suffering is a pretty damn good defense in court. Any real man will sacrifice anything to take care of their family.

Of course storming the castle isn't step 1, it's more like step 50....I'd be bringing what's necessary and escalating to whoever is in charge until I get the result I want, but I wouldn't be sitting on my ass doing it from home and hoping shit was getting done.
Fighting against someone suffering is a pretty damn good defense in court. Any real man will sacrifice anything to take care of their family.

Of course storming the castle isn't step 1, it's more like step 50....I'd be bringing what's necessary and escalating to whoever is in charge until I get the result I want, but I wouldn't be sitting on my ass doing it from home and hoping shit was getting done.

If this was my wife, then yes, I would be there beating the door down.
Reality is that hes been in a hospital or facility of some sort since September and his wife is completely exhausted and frustrated. She has gone down there and they wont even open the door due to "Deadly Covid".
Its a complete bullshit excuse and Im not even sure for what. This particular place has been vaccinated, as is his wife.
Call them and ask for a compassionate care visit. May be different in your state, but here in kansas they are required to allow those visits.

Oh and fuck anyone who thinks this shit is right, keeping people locked away from your fear. Fuck you.

Yep, they care more about "policy" than the damn people they are supposedly caring for. Its total bullshit.
I feel really bad for his wife, she told me yesterday that she wishes she never called the ambulance and just let him go in peace at home.
If it was my buddy, I would sneak in an electric blanket. Fuck them. Those places cost alot of money, no excuse for sick people to be cold.

All of this. I'd go buy one and walk right in and plug it in and get him warm. My grandpa was in a similar place, $10k/mo. With that kind of money, they have no excuse for poor care. If they dont change, contact the proper authorities. They are licensed by some 3 letter agency.
If this was my wife, then yes, I would be there beating the door down.
Reality is that hes been in a hospital or facility of some sort since September and his wife is completely exhausted and frustrated. She has gone down there and they wont even open the door due to "Deadly Covid".
Its a complete bullshit excuse and Im not even sure for what. This particular place has been vaccinated, as is his wife.

Yeah, a little different when it's not your family and the fact that you're helping out as much as you can without even banging his wife is admirable. If you can help with finding the right contacts to get this fixed and if funds are a problem I'm sure there are a few of us around here that would pinch in a few bucks for blankets/heaters/whathaveyou.
All of this. I'd go buy one and walk right in and plug it in and get him warm. My grandpa was in a similar place, $10k/mo. With that kind of money, they have no excuse for poor care. If they dont change, contact the proper authorities. They are licensed by some 3 letter agency.

If it was my buddy, I would sneak in an electric blanket. Fuck them. Those places cost alot of money, no excuse for sick people to be cold.

They're more worried about the electric bill than a fire hazard. Fuck them.
OP I did some looking CO is not as proactive as other states as far as protective patient care. You can try reaching out CDPHE and inquiring who you need to talk to. I would also see if your friend had a decent relationship with any of the nurses or staff. See if they can give you any info or maybe they can take the needed supplies in. I do believe this is how we got the information we needed. My uncle called the nurse we had been dealing with before shit got bad and she gave him some phone numbers. If you have to wait out in the parking lot and nicely and calmly ask one of the staff. I would do it on their way into work and find a young bubbly type. They seem to be more willing to help.

Your other option is to speak to an attorney. Dont go with one of those ambulance chaser types. Yet. All they will do is go after the money. It may cost a few bucks up front but find one who deals with elder care and ask questions as what your friends options are, who to talk to, what agency or dept. You dont need to go scorched earth.
Open main door with 5lbs of tannerite (after giving ample warning)

Go inside like John Wick with a space heater. Find room, plug in heater, unarm self and sit next to bed holding loved ones hand. Wait for law enforcement. Get on news. National News.

This shit is going to continue as long as the people let it.

(I realize this is not an option for a stressed out wife- I'm speaking more in general terms)
This shit is going to continue as long as the people let it.

This. 100% this. It's time to start pushing back on this bullshit. That's the only way we'll see change.

Our school board is pushing on our superintendent to lift our mask mandate for students. We have just a few teachers that are 100% covid brainwashed and they are freaking out, the whole "you're going to kill all of us" bit. Fuck off, if you are that scared then quit so you can stay home in your bubble and we'll find someone to replace you.

I stand by what I said earlier, contact the media and blast this on social media. Until the general public realizes that we are creating an absolutely terrible quality of life for home residents due to irrational fear, nothing will change.
Find the social worker in the facility. Talk to them. They will be your best bet...

So far she is the worst, was good at first before he was even in the facility.
Now she wont return calls, is very vague on whats going on, says she will have a Dr or Nurse call and never does.
I dont think anyone in the entire facility gives a fuck
Maybe see about having him transferred to another facility in state? One that is a bit more open? It might be a farther drive but at least accessible. Long shot but worth a look.
So far she is the worst, was good at first before he was even in the facility.
Now she wont return calls, is very vague on whats going on, says she will have a Dr or Nurse call and never does.
I dont think anyone in the entire facility gives a fuck

If you cant get calls back I seriously would look at either an attorney or contact whoever is the big fish in the oversight committee/group/waste of tax money for the state. Kindly let them know you have a serious problem that could be embarrassing to them should you go to the media and they have till the end of tge week to solve the problem completely. They wont and at that point you blast the media, every outlet that will listen. The public need to know how the “Hero” workers we have been told about are allowing elderly and infirm to suffer because solving the problem may be unpopular and hard work.
Maybe see about having him transferred to another facility in state? One that is a bit more open? It might be a farther drive but at least accessible. Long shot but worth a look.

Because he is on a ventilator there are only 3 facilities in the state that will take him. This was the only one with an open bed. Weve called the other 2 and they are both closed doors right now as well.
If you cant get calls back I seriously would look at either an attorney or contact whoever is the big fish in the oversight committee/group/waste of tax money for the state. Kindly let them know you have a serious problem that could be embarrassing to them should you go to the media and they have till the end of tge week to solve the problem completely. They wont and at that point you blast the media, every outlet that will listen. The public need to know how the “Hero” workers we have been told about are allowing elderly and infirm to suffer because solving the problem may be unpopular and hard work.

:rolleyes:Week, the dude is on a vent. He's exhausted all other means by the sounds of it. It's the end of the DAY at this point. Blast these fuckers out the water.

I work at a couple of SNFs in Texas. First and foremost, this is bullshit. All hands should be on deck to assist all residents. But I can also see where the covid precautions come into play. Not going to make excuses for the staff though.

every state should have a state governing agency to file concerns/ complaints. I’m speaking in regards to Texas but once a complaint or concern is filed, our state board is on our ass within a few days. I would go this route. We’ve had complaints by family members without any substance or evidence...just families giving us a hard time. We’ve also had complaints filed with legitimate reasons and as far as the facilities I work at, administration and nursing take this full on serious. People have been terminated on the spot. A quick google found this and might be a the first step:


this is an example of one of the facilities I work for but they’re similar across the three I help at. Again this is for Texas but I’d be 100% sure Colorado has something similar. They also have these posted all throughout the facilities as SNFs have been hit hard regarding residents rights.


I’d probably call the nurse and say something along:

”Hi, who am I speaking with? (Write name down). Ok could I speak with your director of nursing or administrator?” (Available or not available wrote down all names) whoever you speak to then say “ I’d like to get the contact information for your governing board to file a concern.”

you could also post the facility name here or shoot me a PM with it and I can see what I can find online. Like I’ve said to family members before, and especially applies more with your buddy because of his communication abilities, HIS WIFE AND YOU ARE HIS ADVOCATE AND VOICE.

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