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Need amplified speakers


Middlesex NY
May 19, 2020
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Middlesex NY
I'm in the shop, grinder and air compressor running. I can't hear the music. I need some speakers that I can plug into the computer that will shake the walls. Maybe a guitar amp? You guys know stuff. Help.

I'm in the shop, grinder and air compressor running. I can't hear the music. I need some speakers that I can plug into the computer that will shake the walls. Maybe a guitar amp? You guys know stuff. Help.


Surf CL or Marketplace for powered PA speakers, Mackie, JBL, QSC, Behringer, etc. Run AC to 'em and a line level signal and you're GTG.
I have QSC K12.2's that would easily overcome that...but really, most powered PA speakers will do the job. Stay with the better brands though, not that Behringer crap.

Surf CL or Marketplace for powered PA speakers, Mackie, JBL, QSC, Behringer, etc. Run AC to 'em and a line level signal and you're GTG.

Behringer is shit. Mackie is barely ok (at least what you'll find used, some of their newer series stuff is finally ok). JBL as long as it's not Eon's are ok. QSC is generally good. Add EV (Electro Voice), Yamaha, Yorkville to the list.
I have QSC K12.2's that would easily overcome that...but really, most powered PA speakers will do the job. Stay with the better brands though, not that Behringer crap.

I figured he'd get sticker shock from the QSC's and JBL's, so that's why I included the Mackie and Behringer suggestions. It's for a shop, he's not providing PA for Slayer.
Yes Behringer is bottom of the barrel, but it does work surprisingly well for the money... Especially in a shop where it might not be treated well.
I have great shop radios.
i watch facebook for someone selling a nice surround system for under $100
I run a headphone 3.5 mm jack to rca cord from my laptop to the amplifier
I have subwoofer and 7 speakers All for under $100
I have bought 2 just like that in the last couple years
My shops sound freaking really good and very loud.

Forget trying to get good powered speakers
We are about to move into a new shop, well new to us. Me and the guys are gonna get together and put tower speakers on the cieling above the overhead crane and wire it to a rack receiver. Goodwill has a online site you can look at their shit, search for it and buy it...
I figure we would buy used because its a shop if it gets fucked up...didnt spend that much
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Outdated AV reciever and big dumb 80's floor speakers.

The sound won't be the best but there will be a lot of it, and everyone pretty much throws this stuff away now so you won't feel bad when the HF cutoff wheel explodes and perforates the speaker cone.
I figured he'd get sticker shock from the QSC's and JBL's, so that's why I included the Mackie and Behringer suggestions. It's for a shop, he's not providing PA for Slayer.

Yeah but I'm not suggesting JBL Vertec or L'Acoustics K1's or Meyer Leo or EAW Anya or anything big that would give him true sticker shock. $1000/box is nothing for a decent mid-range portable PA box from QSC or JBL. I've heard plenty of the low end Behringer crap and it's awful, not worth spending the money on.
Go to the good will, or pawn shop. The longest lasting electronics I have ever owned are ironically the ones that get treated the worst.

I have a stereo that has been next to a grinder that gets used daily for 15(?) years now.

The stereo before that would still be working, but a large item fell over and flipped a wrench that was sitting at the perfect angle, flipped up and broke the last one after shooting across the shop...lol

Shop radios/stereos are like sunglasses, the cheaper you get them, the longer they last
Surf CL or Marketplace for powered PA speakers, Mackie, JBL, QSC, Behringer, etc. Run AC to 'em and a line level signal and you're GTG.


I run two ancient self powered speakers with a bluetooth dongle hanging out the back.
Maybe instead of louder speakers, you should look for ear muffs with bluetooth to block out all that other loudness. The old you will thank you.

Welding helmet negates big poofy muffs. But thanks. I'm already 'old me' and 20 years in the wood shop already gave me selective hearing.

What bought this on was . . Saturday, after six hours in the shop cranking tunes and happily working along and singing at the top of my lungs, I realized I could hear me singing. That's new and not a good thing. My speekers must be fooked.

Maybe instead of louder speakers, you should look for ear muffs with bluetooth to block out all that other loudness. The old you will thank you.

This, wish I had gone that route 30 years ago.
Mine is a roadside find 70s Fisher HIFI stereo. I've had it over 25 years now and it sound better than anything made today. Added a Bluetooth dongle a few years ago

No it doesn't.
get one of the ION tailgaters. 100.00 loud as hell, works on battery too, portable enough, bluetooth from your phone or connect a music source or tune in to the radio.
These mini amps are freaking awesome. I;ve been running one in my 1200sqft shop for a few years now and its insane the power it puts out. \nhttps://smile.amazon.com/gp/product...ch_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1&tag=91812054244-20\n\nRunning bluetooth from the phone or laptop. Pandora and XM from the roku/tv. \n\nI previously had a different one that didnt have a sub output but was higher wattage. It cranked but I wanted a sub output. \nhttps://smile.amazon.com/gp/product...h_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1&tag=91812054244-20\n
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