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Nature craft shit: where to buy


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2020
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Decorating a room to a nature theme and need fake plants, vines, trees, etc. I been checking out craft stores around here but they are limited.

Anyone (or anyone's chick) know of online stores that sell this kind of stuff?
Michael's, Hobby World, Bed Bath and Beyond, also some big Mom & Pop, non-box-store gardening stores carry stuff like that.

I was genuinely curious about 10 years ago, where all those wicker baskets, fake plants, and useless tiny lamp tables came from. That stuff festoons every second-hand shop I've ever frequented. Where does it all come from? Bed Bath and Beyond and Hobby World, that's where.

Don't kink shame.

OP, you want to check out craft stores, the guuuuuurly hobby stores (catholic lobby, michael's, etc), some fabric stores, and overpriced junk dealers like world market and pier 1 (if they're even still around)
Don't kink shame.

OP, you want to check out craft stores, the guuuuuurly hobby stores (catholic lobby, michael's, etc), some fabric stores, and overpriced junk dealers like world market and pier 1 (if they're even still around)

Always wonder how Pier 1 lasted as long as they did at my mall. Their parking lot was ALWAYS deserted.
Always wonder how Pier 1 lasted as long as they did at my mall. Their parking lot was ALWAYS deserted.

Same here, though it finally closed in the last year. I suppose you don't need to sell much when you're hawking 3rd world garbage to people who want to appear rich with huge markups.
Look for terrarium decorations. You can find some pretty realistic vines.
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