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"National Security Expert" advocates for political violence against fellow Americans


Red Skull Member
May 25, 2020
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"National Security Expert" advocates for political violence against fellow Americans


Several “national security experts” interviewed for an essay in The Root published on Thursday, attacked the Republican Party, claiming it behaves “like a terror group,” is rife with “terrorist sympathizers,” and should be viewed as “enemy combatants.” The essay, penned by senior reporter Terrell Jermaine Starr and titled “Democrats Are Stuck With a Republican Party Rife With Conspiracy Theorists, Anarchists and Terrorist Sympathizers,” begins by asserting that the GOP is “authoritarian” and only cares for whites. “[W]e have an entire political party that has converted into an authoritarian—albeit Americanized version—style of politics that cares nothing about U.S. democracy or anyone who is not white,” the essay starts. Starr then refers to the GOP as “a party of turncoats” for having “basically sat by and said nothing” to counter “lies” reinforced by the former president’s defense lawyers during his impeachment trial last week.

Starr then introduces several national security experts who, he claims, told him “the Republican Party is functioning like a terror cell.”
NEW: National security experts told me the Republican Party is functioning like a terror cell. One said, "If they were in Afghanistan, we would’ve hit them. Either a raid, drop a bomb on them." Thanks @PamKeithFL, @_pamcampos, @KyleWBibby, @MalcolmNance. https://t.co/d7dBvffBx3
— Terrell Jermaine Starr (@ussian_Starr) February 18, 2021
The experts go on to voice their thoughts on the GOP, former President Donald Trump, and conservatives.
US Navy veteran Pam Keith, who ran as the Democrat nominee for election to the U.S. House to represent Florida’s 18th Congressional District, is quoted as saying that Democrats cannot work with Republicans.

“The only way a country like ours survives is through mutual agreement to set a standard. That’s what the Constitution is. That’s what the rule of law is,” she said. “If you don’t have that, then there’s no incentive to peacefully allow the other sides to exercise power.” Earlier this month, Keith compared Trump to Osama bin Laden, and in 2019, she openly called for women to stop having sex with conservative men. According to Keith, the days of compromise are over. “We still have this delusion of bipartisanship, Keith said. “There’s no fucking bipartisanship. Get off that ship. It does not work. It’s sinking. It’s done. It’s at the bottom of the ocean. It’s the fucking Titanic. It’s down in the water. Let it go.” Former Marine Corps Infantry officer Kyle Bibby, the national campaign manager at Common Defense, told The Root that if those who took part in the early January riot at Capitol Hill “were in Afghanistan” they would have been hit.

“We would’ve hit them,” he said. “Either a raid, drop a bomb on them, whatever it is.”
Ultimately, Bibby claims, it is the Republican Party and conservative media that are responsible.
“But the organizations that are funding this and who are backing this that are creating the political movement behind this are organizations like Fox News, Breitbart, One America News Network, and the Republican Party,” he said.
“If these organizations existed in another country, we would be sanctioning them. We would be seizing their assets for inciting terroristic threats against an American ally or against U.S. interests.”

According to Pam Campos-Palma, director of Peace & Security at the Working Families Party, “white nationalist violence” like that witnessed during the early January Capitol riot, is “inherent to the GOP, policing and national security institutions.”
Starr then accuses Republicans in Congress of not doing much to quell “right-wing media lies.”
“In fact, they are spreading them,” he writes.
He claims they do so because they “feel their power is being threatened and the only way to galvanize support for their causes is through lying and scaring people so intensely that they will see lies as truth.”

Furthermore, Starr writes, the ideal type of supporters Republicans can “groom into ill-informed and lethal insurrectionists and white supremacists who will help you maintain power” are those who will believe the “lies,” adding that this is so even if the enemy — “Black folks and people of color” — may “suffer and/or die as a result.”
According to Malcolm Nance, a national security expert and author, the Republican Party behaves like a terror group and if Trump were to have won the recent presidential election, then “the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Boys, the state militias, all these other groups, are essentially going to become semi-official Brownshirts [the original paramilitary of Germany’s Nazi Party] of the Trump campaign.”
Nance also predicted that if Trump would lose, these same groups “are going to become the Iraq insurgents. They’re going to go underground” and “will resort to armed violence, political standoffs, and terrorism.”

Starr then writes that “Democrats have few options to get to the heart of white terrorism because their Republican colleagues in Congress benefit from it politically.”
“We have to view the GOP as enemy combatants because, for years, they have proven that Democrats are theirs,” he added.
The essay drew a host of bitter responses on Twitter.

Part 1
Part II

“They actually want to kill Republicans,” wrote commentator Ian Miles Cheong. “Wild.”
They actually want to kill Republicans. Wild. https://t.co/pPrExetj5X
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) February 19, 2021

“This sounds like an incitement to civil war,” wrote conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza. “What a way to talk about half the country! We have not seen this type of rhetoric in this country since 1860.”

This sounds like an incitement to civil war. What a way to talk about half the country! We have not seen this type of rhetoric in this country since 1860 https://t.co/yDxmzwukjg
— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) February 19, 2021

“Abandon bipartisanship (understandable!) and treat your political opponents as ‘enemy combatants’ (insane!) Or we could just ‘drop a bomb on them,’ say ‘national security experts,’” wrote journalist Michael Moynihan.

Or we could just “drop a bomb on them,” say “national security experts” https://t.co/Dmk9C0iLg3
— Michael C Moynihan (@mcmoynihan) February 19, 2021

“Nothing dangerous about arguing for droning one of America’s two major political parties,” wrote journalist Dan McLaughlin.
Nothing dangerous about arguing for droning one of America's two major political parties. https://t.co/ltRCg8YJ1n
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) February 19, 2021

magine the reaction if someone in a right-wing outlet published an article in which someone casually mentioned dropping a bomb on Democrats,” wrote historian Varad Mehta. “These people are nuts.”
Pam Keith is a loon who retweets unhinged conspiracy theories on Twitter. Or is that Malcolm Nance? And imagine the reaction if someone in a right-wing outlet published an article in which someone casually mentioned dropping a bomb on Democrats. These people are nuts. https://t.co/uoUEYb5e3r
— Varad Mehta (@varadmehta) February 19, 2021

“Just liberal bluechecks saying Republicans should have bombs dropped on them,” wrote one Twitter user. “Paging @TwitterSafety.”
Oh, nothing.

Just liberal bluechecks saying Republicans should have bombs dropped on them.
Paging @TwitterSafety. https://t.co/leqoV46w9t
— RBe (@RBPundit) February 19, 2021

“So, #republicans are to be assassinated, per @TheRoot and a ‘national security experts’? But the @gop are the violent ones?” asked another Twitter user. “#nationaldivorce soon seems to be the only peaceful remedy when @thedemocrats label their opposition as ‘terrorists.’”

“Your periodic reminder that they hate you and want you dead,” wrote another.

“Just a National security expert suggesting bombing republicans,” wrote yet another. “Unity!”

“This inflammatory rhetoric needs to stop,” another Twitter user warned. “This is the type of stuff that gets people killed.”
This inflammatory rhetoric needs to stop. This is the type of stuff that gets people killed. https://t.co/P4YilHE5SG
— Dr Quigley (@CarrollQuigley1) February 19, 2021

“This is so insane, dear God,” wrote comedian Sean McCarthy.
This is so insane, dear God. https://t.co/nxSofqN2Lg
— $ean P. McCarthy (@SeanMcCarthyCom) February 19, 2021

The essay comes as some Democrats continue to target conservatives and paint Trump supporters as the worst of criminals, despite having repeated calls for “healing” and “unity.”
Earlier this month, The Los Angeles Times published an op-ed addressing the struggle to “resist demands for unity” in the face of acts of “aggressive niceness” on the part of friendly Trump-supporting neighbors who are compared to terror organizations who “offer protection and hospitality” and “polite” Nazis.
In a recent video created by left-wing novelist Don Winslow, citizens are called upon to become cyber detectives to monitor and report fellow citizen Trump supporters to authorities while comparing the work of this “army of citizens” to that which led to the capture of al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden.
The clip, which received over four million views, claims the greatest threat facing America today emanates from “radical extreme conservatives, also known as domestic terrorists” hidden among us.
A video clip released last month by the left-wing MeidasTouch PAC brands Republican Party members as “traitors” unworthy of being called conservatives while describing the GOP as “no different” from the ISIS terror group.
The statements came from MeidasTouch co-founder Ben Meiselas on the PAC’s podcast in an over two-minute clip published Friday. In one tweet, the video was introduced with a message referring to the Republican Party as the “GOP terrorist party.”
Also last month, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) dubbed members of Congress who seek to protect themselves with firearms the “enemy.”
“We will probably need a supplemental for more security for members when the enemy is within the House of Representatives, in addition to what is happening outside,” she said.
Follow Joshua Klein on Twitter @JoshuaKlein.

$1 says they all still have their Twatter accounts with blue checkmarks. THis is a dangerous notion that we should treat each other as combatants and it does not bode well for the country. As I posted in this thread https://irate4x4.com/chit-chat/299390-americans-shouldn-t-be-treated-like-isis-insurgents-no-kidding we need to separate this ideology from the American people and put it back in the rubbish heap where it belongs.

Separately, Kyle Bibby looks like a bitch.
What exactly is political violence?

Merriam-Webster defines violence as
vi·​o·​lence | \ ˈvī-lən(t)s
, ˈvī-ə- \

Definition of violence

1a : the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy
b : an instance of violent treatment or procedure

2 : injury by or as if by distortion, infringement, or profanation : outrage

3a : intense, turbulent, or furious and often destructive action or force the violence of the storm
b : vehement feeling or expression : fervor also : an instance of such action or feeling
c : a clashing or jarring quality : discordance

4 : undue alteration (as of wording or sense in editing a text)

Political violence just means it is done because the perpetrators don't like that the beliefs of those on whom they inflict the violence.

In this particular case it's another radical leftist who wants to kill anyone who isn't a radical leftist and justifies it by calling them racists, sexist, etc. etc. etc. Same old claptrap.
Merriam-Webster defines violence as
vi·​o·​lence | \ ˈvī-lən(t)s
, ˈvī-ə- \

Definition of violence

1a : the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy
b : an instance of violent treatment or procedure

2 : injury by or as if by distortion, infringement, or profanation : outrage

3a : intense, turbulent, or furious and often destructive action or force the violence of the storm
b : vehement feeling or expression : fervor also : an instance of such action or feeling
c : a clashing or jarring quality : discordance

4 : undue alteration (as of wording or sense in editing a text)

Political violence just means it is done because the perpetrators don't like that the beliefs of those on whom they inflict the violence.

In this particular case it's another radical leftist who wants to kill anyone who isn't a radical leftist and justifies it by calling them racists, sexist, etc. etc. etc. Same old claptrap.

I think you know that I understand what violence is.

The political violence term is interesting to me, as it's open to interpretation and may be a REMF cop out.
There is no "wrong side" when it comes to such disputes. There is merely the side that wins and the side that loses. Given who has the guns, the authors of this nonsense will end up on the losing side.
I think you know that I understand what violence is.

The political violence term is interesting to me, as it's open to interpretation and may be a REMF cop out.

I know that you know what it is. :flipoff2:

Would you have preferred if I had titled it "Dumb bastard with a stage advocates violence against Americans"? Because that too would be an accurate statement. I titled it "political violence" because that's what is driving almost all of this shit (Green New Deal, The sudden "reentry" to the Paris Accords, etc) politics. It's all about ideology and control.
There is no "wrong side" when it comes to such disputes. There is merely the side that wins and the side that loses. Given who has the guns, the authors of this nonsense will end up on the losing side.

Youre not real bright are you? What has the side with all the guns done to stop any of this? Not a damn thing.

What is happening in America is the exact smae thing as what happened in Germany in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Except instead of newspaper, leaflets and rallys, the left has weaponized both media broadcast and social media, as well as certain parts of federal law enforcement.

Unfortunately most of America is people like you "we have the guns, were gonna win!". You wont do shit but run your mouth and when the left comes for your guns youll hand em over with a "Im sorry" and the go kick rocks in the driveway when they leave.
Thing is, gun ownership is WAY up. People I thought would never, ever get them, have.

I mean, true blue Dems.
The political violence term is interesting to me, as it's open to interpretation and may be a REMF cop out.

Yes, anything is open to interpretation, and what exactly does REMF have to do with political violence?
Thing is, gun ownership is WAY up. People I thought would never, ever get them, have.

I mean, true blue Dems.

I'm not sure where we are as a nation right now. A lot of true blue Dems ran out and bought guns because they thought Antifa was coming to get them in the midst of elected Dems crying to defund the police. They bought them as tools for self protection and good on them for it. I don't think they have completed the circle and connected it to their voting habits. How many of those dyed in the wool, always been a Dem will also balk when "the government" tells them to do something? Those that don't immediately capitulate are between a rock and an ideological hard place.
You guys better go buy more 5.56x54, that'll fix this.
A lot of true blue Dems ran out and bought guns because they thought Antifa was coming to get them in the midst of elected Dems crying to defund the police.

To protect themselves from the great hoards of "white supremacists" that are running rampant, at least according to politicians and the media.
Unfortunately most of America is people like you "we have the guns, were gonna win!". You wont do shit but run your mouth and when the left comes for your guns youll hand em over with a "Im sorry" and the go kick rocks in the driveway when they leave.

I disagree with this.
The taking of pews is the hill on which most of us are willing to die.
IMO they will run out of people willing to try to take them before we run out of rounds.
They may get a small percentage of the pews that are on paper, but that's not much in the grand scheme of things.
I doubt I am the only one who will charge off the porch if they try to get our pews by shutting off our access to our banks, utilities, etc.
Once kids are out of the house, conservatives can be more like democrats -little to no responsibilities, lots of free time, not much to lose.
It is only the conservatives who have young children at home who have the most at risk.
20% of conservatives who feel they have nothing to lose is more than enough to defeat 100% of the liberals.
Just my .02
Youre not real bright are you? What has the side with all the guns done to stop any of this? Not a damn thing.

What is happening in America is the exact smae thing as what happened in Germany in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Except instead of newspaper, leaflets and rallys, the left has weaponized both media broadcast and social media, as well as certain parts of federal law enforcement.

Unfortunately most of America is people like you "we have the guns, were gonna win!". You wont do shit but run your mouth and when the left comes for your guns youll hand em over with a "Im sorry" and the go kick rocks in the driveway when they leave.
Not even close. America is very different, largely because we have strong State and LOCAL institutions. You need to spend less time on the Internet and more time on the street. The police and national guard WILL NOT march in lockstep with the radical anti-freedom agenda. The evidence is getting stronger by the day. Even in my very "blue" state the rural communities declared themselves 2a sanctuaries and refuse to enforce heavy-handed anti 2a legislation. The governor threatened to send in the state police and national guard. Oops. Instead she quit and moved to Washington. It's no mistake that the anti freedom radicals are trying to purge law enforcement and military of "white supremacists". I can't wait to see their surprise at the result.

As for you . . . just another Anti freedom piece of shit. But thanks for making your position clear.
Im not advocating for the left but....

Seems like most of America isn’t even prepared to last one week after services are cut off. The biggest gun rights state is all but crippled and still figuring out how to get out of their driveway after 6” of snow. Better hope that when it’s time to start shooting it’s during the 6 months of the year it doesn’t snow in the east.

The left is prepared and well funded. They will all unite at the drop of a hat once told to.
Dude. Turn off your TV. Texas is not crippled. That's just ludicrous. Certainly the Texas people posting to the snowpocalypse thread seem to be making out ok. A few days below freezing without power is no big deal. If your snowflake ass is too dumb to break out the blankets or build a fire then hasta la vista. The gene pool does not need you.

Also, the left is not prepared. Far from it. When shit hits the fan these snowflake mother fawkers will be the first to go.
let's be clear, this is about an essay published on The Root.

i read the root fairly regularly, i've shared articles from there over to here and such. it is absolutely a racist publication, they are absolutely "gate keepers" for race and such and whatnot. the people being interviewed are odds on likely to be communists. It should be taken as seriously as something published on, say, brietbart as far as levels of spin, maybe lower than breitbart, but probably equal footing.

so people in made up positions at made up companies are giving a made up interview for a made up media source? :flipoff2: :flipoff2:
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Im not advocating for the left but....

Seems like most of America isn’t even prepared to last one week after services are cut off. The biggest gun rights state is all but crippled and still figuring out how to get out of their driveway after 6” of snow. Better hope that when it’s time to start shooting it’s during the 6 months of the year it doesn’t snow in the east.

The left is prepared and well funded. They will all unite at the drop of a hat once told to.

I definately agree with your statement that most of Texas and America for that matter is unable or unprepared to take care of themselves. TX is hardly the biggest guns rights states. While fairly free TX still requires a carry permit and allows 30.06 rules. Until TX becomes a constitutional carry state it still has a long ways to go.
Not even close. America is very different, largely because we have strong State and LOCAL institutions. You need to spend less time on the Internet and more time on the street. The police and national guard WILL NOT march in lockstep with the radical anti-freedom agenda. The evidence is getting stronger by the day. Even in my very "blue" state the rural communities declared themselves 2a sanctuaries and refuse to enforce heavy-handed anti 2a legislation. The governor threatened to send in the state police and national guard. Oops. Instead she quit and moved to Washington. It's no mistake that the anti freedom radicals are trying to purge law enforcement and military of "white supremacists". I can't wait to see their surprise at the result.

As for you . . . just another Anti freedom piece of shit. But thanks for making your position clear.

Like I said youre not real bright are you? Im all for peoples rights. I simply made an observation that blow hards like you talk a lot of shit but when it comes down to it youll aquiesce and go sit on your porch like a puppy that just got kicked.
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