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My wasps have gone next level


Not @Rockstomper today
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Firestone, CO
Yellowjackets/wasps/stinging-aholes are a thing where I live, so I have the little yellow conical traps around for them. For the "bees are good, don't trap them" people: I actually check my traps for bees and let them out if I catch one, I've caught two in probably eight years. Bees aren't interested in my traps.

Anyway, my wasps built a nest in the bottom of one of the traps, and stung me this morning when I opened it up to put more bait (usually whatever soda I happen to be drinking at the time) in. Bastards.
Sounds like you need to stop feeding them sugar like is a gd birthday party and put some poison in there.
Honey bees good, don't kill. Yellow jacket/wasps bad, kill. Preferably with fire or some sort on explosion.
You van buy the attractant separate. We buy in bulk for one of our facilities :eek:

Just dont get it on you, they will hunt you down:lmao:
You van buy the attractant separate. We buy in bulk for one of our facilities :eek:

Just dont get it on you, they will hunt you down:lmao:

Sounds like that would be a good joke to play on my next camping trip. A bottle of attractant labeled as bug repellent.:lmao:
Buy a cheap ass bug zapper and cut away the protective plastic screen. Use a long poll to place the zapper on the nest; they will have a fucking field day stinging that zapper..(sic).
They sell fake wasp nests. Apparently stinging bees/wasps don't like neighbors.

Plant mint and basil around that area. They don't like it.

Apparently they like to hang out in strawberry plants. Every time I water the strawberries, half a dozen of those fuckers come out filled with hate :mad3:

So far, I haven’t been stung by one :homer:
I like how you drowned an entire nest in 2 cans of poison while slurping on a beer, then dug around in the poison-soaked wasp carcasses for half and hour with your hands, while slurping on a beer.

GCC perfection.


I only used one of those cans and I used a pair of tweezers to pick the bodies. But counting 424 of those little suckers included the consumption of a few more bottles of beer. Like I said.....it took a while :flipoff2:

That was four years ago and I'm still alive...lol
This stuff works great - kills them almost instantly.

No, It doesn't. I've watched wasps get knocked down, then get right back up after a dose. It evaporates too fast. It takes carb cleaner to keep them down...the kind you don't dare wear a watch while using.
This stuff works great - kills them almost instantly.


No, It doesn't. I've watched wasps get knocked down, then get right back up after a dose. It evaporates too fast. It takes carb cleaner to keep them down...the kind you don't dare wear a watch while using.

Gotta use the non ca complaint penray brake clean in the grey can. Doesn’t flash off fast, and will put you into another dimension if used with the garage door down.:laughing:
This stuff works great - kills them almost instantly.


Hell yeah. Gotta have the chlorinated kind though. Add on the red tube for getting into the carpenter bee holes. They have a real bad time for 2-3 seconds and they're done.
Perhaps it's just my imagination, but my wasp population seems definitely less this year after putting out bait stations for them a few months ago. I used cat food + Fipronil, placed in a yellow PVC pipe w/access holes for wasps; it's what an exterminator suggested
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