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My Dog Fucked Around and Found Out


The Dude
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Went to let my husky in the house before breakfast this morning only to find his lead laying in the driveway with no dog attached.

threw on my overalls, coat and boots and went out to locate him. Fortunately we have had decent snowfall and I found his tracks in the ditch that runs along my property. He made it two houses away and was apparently harassing a pig that my neighbor has. Neighbor didn’t take too kindly and my dog met the business end of a shovel. No marks on him and he seems uninjured, but he has been pretty mellow the rest of the day.

still trying to figure out how he got off the lead.
[486 said:
;n311249]I read the first line as you found his head in the driveway

yup, then i read it again and thought :maybe he meant leg.

:laughing: well, good to hear the dog and the pig both survived!
you have me mistaken for someone else

Huskies are pretty smart. I’m betting he learned his lesson. My Doberman only chased the neighbors chickens once.
Huskies are pretty smart. I’m betting he learned his lesson. My Doberman only chased the neighbors chickens once.

It’s been a couple years since he killed another neighbors’ thanksgiving turkey. I guess he needs a refresher once in awhile.
[486 said:
;n311249]I read the first line as you found his head in the driveway

I had to read that 3 fucking times before I realized it didn't say "head". :laughing:
How he got off the lead? He’s a husky. Those fuckers run. It’s what they do. Mine did the same thing. :laughing:
I have to say as a former CalTrans - Calif DOT employee that was the improper use of a shovel. :laughing:
It’s been a couple years since he killed another neighbors’ thanksgiving turkey. I guess he needs a refresher once in awhile.

Did he eat the turkey after killing it or just kill it and that's it?

As far as how he got off the lead, that's what husky's do. They go.
A libtard friend has a husky, he's always inside and she's "husky" I know he doesn't get out much let alone run, Poor doggo she does vids of him on car rides, I keep waiting for the vid when he rips her throat out and bails out the window.
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