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My body, my choice... vaccine

Because the Polio vaccine uses a different underlying mechanism to cause the body to build antibodies and is far more effective.

This is true, but if you really want to understand why the polio vaccine was such a miracle, you need to read up on how the infection reporting was done, and specifically how the rules for defining infection were greatly changed shortly after the vaccine was released. It wasnt just a vaccine that caused the polio infection rate to drop so quickly.

The same is happening with rona. The testing standards and reporting standards are slowly and quietly being relaxed, so the numbers are dropping, but being reported right alongside of the over-reported numbers from last year. And Voila! the new administration magically solves what Trump couldn't.
This is true, but if you really want to understand why the polio vaccine was such a miracle, you need to read up on how the infection reporting was done, and specifically how the rules for defining infection were greatly changed shortly after the vaccine was released. It wasnt just a vaccine that caused the polio infection rate to drop so quickly.

The same is happening with rona. The testing standards and reporting standards are slowly and quietly being relaxed, so the numbers are dropping, but being reported right alongside of the over-reported numbers from last year. And Voila! the new administration magically solves what Trump couldn't.

This guy gets it

lies, damned lies and statistics
What about airlines?

Airlines, cruises, busses and trains probably; but once again the "mandate" isn't for the populous as a whole, just those wanting to travel using said "public" transportation. It's kind of my point, it won't start (and maybe not even end, technically) with a mandated vaccine (comply or go to jail) it will start with denying services to those who refuse the vaccine.
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