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My body, my choice... vaccine


Red Skull Member
May 30, 2020
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Stolen from Tucker

Will the left give the same ideology about vaccines as they do in other health arenas?

I'm 39 and the oldest man in my extended fam, don't need or want an unnecessary shot. If my folks where still around I may think differently. I'm not anti vaccine by any means but I've learned over my years that less ingredients is always best.
Stolen from Tucker

Will the left give the same ideology about vaccines as they do in other health arenas?

I'm 39 and the oldest man in my extended fam, don't need or want an unnecessary shot. If my folks where still around I may think differently. I'm not anti vaccine by any means but I've learned over my years that less ingredients is always best.

Mom's 93 and has categorically stated she won't get the shot.
My body, my choice... vaccine...

That'll never fly with the scamdemic. Don't you want to be a hero in the quest for herd immunity?:rolleyes:

You don't need the vax to play your part in herd immunity.
Me and you and everyone else has/will get it naturally.
Those that are afraid to endure the natural infection can get vaxxed so they suffer less if/when they do.

As far as your body, your choice. Sure, but don't expect to board and airline anytime in the future without the vax passport.
I used this a few months ago on some liberal family members. They said it was selfish and for women it was their own choice that affected only them... Also tried asking them why a person couldn’t choose to have their business open and have customers choose to go to that business on their own. Conversation didn’t get very far with them.
My wife is 67 and has parkinsons disease. She's read that a number of people that have recovered from the Kung Flu develop parkinsons like symptoms. Add to that the vaccine was rushed thru on an emergency basis. She has a call into her neurologist to get his opinion before deciding. Like the OP I'm not an anti-vacer , but I'm leery of this vaccine.
I’m not going to be selfish with the vaccine, I’ll let every single person on the planet get theirs before I take mine. Some people may call me a hero but I’m just a regular guy trying to do my best to help others.

That's my stance
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With the combination of what the government put in me during my time in service, and the amount of rum I put in my system, not much is going to give me anything to worry about. I have my usual seasonal allergies, I can’t remember the last time I was actually “put me in bed” sick.

My folks have both received their shots. My FIL has both of his. Mrs has had her first.

If work makes it mandatory, I may just have to put in retirement papers. I was going to hold out for a couple more years, but that could possibly change.
Vaccine doesn’t protect you from getting the virus. So no, I’m not getting the vaccine.

There seems to be a bunch of people in FB vacation groups that are surprised that being “fully vaccinated” doesn’t grant them any special abilities when it comes to travel. Then someone point out that it doesn’t prevent them from catching the virus and they start questioning why they even got it. People truly have no idea.
There seems to be a bunch of people in FB vacation groups that are surprised that being “fully vaccinated” doesn’t grant them any special abilities when it comes to travel. Then someone point out that it doesn’t prevent them from catching the virus and they start questioning why they even got it. People truly have no idea.

My wife is a nurse that works in a covid unit daily. Her coworker had 2 doses of Moderna. Still got the Rona. :homer:
A vaccine that's 94% effective against a virus with a 99% survivability without the vaccine? No thanks
I got ordained as a minister online to be able to religiously exempt myself from this shit. Next step will be online Dr.

I actually did this to perform my sister's wedding. I think it only lasted 24 hours if I remember right. Yes, I made everyone call me minister.

Hmmmmmm........may have to look into this.
There seems to be a bunch of people in FB vacation groups that are surprised that being “fully vaccinated” doesn’t grant them any special abilities when it comes to travel. Then someone point out that it doesn’t prevent them from catching the virus and they start questioning why they even got it. People truly have no idea.

Okay, call me dumb but I thought a vaccine did prevent it. Only just the other day read a story that it doesn’t. Never knew.

For realzies, why did Polio go away if the vaccine doesn’t prevent it it, does that mean people still have it but the disease has reduced impact?
Is a tetanus shot a vaccine?
Okay, call me dumb but I thought a vaccine did prevent it. Only just the other day read a story that it doesn’t. Never knew.

For realzies, why did Polio go away if the vaccine doesn’t prevent it it, does that mean people still have it but the disease has reduced impact?
Is a tetanus shot a vaccine?

For the uninformed.

We're a ways off from "mandatory vaccines" being mandated by any level of Gov't in the U.S... well except for maybe some of the cities that qualify as a "liberal's paradise" (a.k.a. "nightmare" to sane people). What I mean by that is they won't start by rounding people up and putting them in jail, it'll be more subtle. Remember the ACA (a.k.a. "ObamaCare"), it'll be expanded and new regulations will be added: health insurance companies will be allowed (and eventually required) to drop you if you refuse any vaccine, and the "individual mandate" will be put back into effect; you'll be forced to get the vaccine in order to get insurance or you'll have to pay the "tax" (penalty).

Then will come the increases to that tax, eventually it will become unaffordable for most and they'll get the Al Capone treatment: sent to jail for "taxes" when their real "crimes" are something else (not getting vaccinated). But it still won't be "against the law" to refuse the vaccine.

Anyone else realizing just how much Obama (really his puppet masters) bent the country over and fucked us?

Welcome to V for Vendetta, I guess it wasn't pure fiction after all.
For realzies, why did Polio go away if the vaccine doesn’t prevent it it, does that mean people still have it but the disease has reduced impact?
Is a tetanus shot a vaccine?

Because the Polio vaccine uses a different underlying mechanism to cause the body to build antibodies and is far more effective.
My wife is a nurse that works in a covid unit daily. Her coworker had 2 doses of Moderna. Still got the Rona. :homer:

Yep. My wife is also a nurse and works covid unit daily too. She didn't get vaccinated, but she got the rona. Still not gonna get the shot
My kids are fully vaccinated, but I have developed quite some trust issues after watching the lies the past year.
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