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MS uutlook desktop crashing worldwide


Refugee from syrup
May 19, 2020
Member Number
East Coast
This just started a few hours ago. If your outlook starts then just disappears this is due to the last update. Here are the commands to roll the outlook back to the previous version.

Method 1: Roll back Microsoft Office to latest June 2020 release
To roll back to the June 24, 2020, release and fix the Microsoft Outlook crashes, please follow these steps:
  1. Open a command prompt by clicking on the Start Menu and typing CMD. When the 'Command Prompt' result appears, click on it.
  2. In the command prompt type cd "\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ClickToRun" and press enter.
  3. You will now be in the ClickToRun folder. Type officec2rclient.exe /update user updatetoversion=16.0.12827.20470 and press enter.
If for some reason the above does not work on some older windows installs you can use the following command

officec2rclient.exe /update user updatetoversion=16.0.12527.20880
Our IT guy just notified us too. I have not had an issue, but our guy said to run outlook.exe /safe as a work around.
This just hit our company shortly before I left. Issues we’re hit or miss, outlook /safe didn’t work in any case. The clicktorun command just downgrades it to the previous version of office, a little invasive as it takes some time and requires a reboot.

I’ll be curious how much this evolves
safe does work but i hate not running with plugins. I have run the above command on a bunch of PC's and it works. Someone at MS deserves an ass whoopin for this
This just hit our company shortly before I left. Issues we’re hit or miss, outlook /safe didn’t work in any case. The clicktorun command just downgrades it to the previous version of office, a little invasive as it takes some time and requires a reboot.

I’ll be curious how much this evolves

I did not have to reboot most of the win10 machines. A few i did. I'm not sure why.
I started a new position Monday, Not my problem anymore :lmao::lmao:
had someone call me this morning with a broken outlook install.

safe mode didn't make it run and I get to go unfuck it tomorrow morning.

thanks Microsoft.
so the one machine that caused me problems here didn't have 2004 installed.

the others did. this one's special because it's the boss and he doesn't like updates.

I just installed win 10 2004, then reinstalled the office update, didn't break it again.

Maybe explain why some needed rebooted and some didn't?
who knows.

and yes, I've told the man that ignoring updates is not chill, but he's the one that signs checks, so WTF you gonna do? The last time I forced updates from the domain controller it did not go over well.
And, this is why I run a WSUS server with a GPO policy to only allow updates from it, not direct from MS. After testing them in batches I typically push them out a week later. Has saved my ass multiple times.
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