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More California stupidity


What... what's wrong with copper now?
You’re the self professed government man. Can you ask your peeps why?:stirthepot::flipoff2:

I'm not on the creating laws or the enforcement of environmental laws side of the equation or I would ask.

After I stopped being flabbergasted for a moment, I went and looked around. Looks like it's because copper dust in lakes/rivers/streams/drinking water is bad and sometimes roads go by there:

But copper has a dark side, too. The tons and tons of microscopic brake dust particles that vehicles generate on our nations highways often end up in places where it causes environmental harm. Copper-laden brake dust from highways near lakes, rivers and reservoirs can pollute the water and harm aquatic life. Urban brake dust can also end up in rivers in lakes when rain washes the dust down storm sewers that connect to these bodies of water. Because of this, California and the state of Washington passed legislation calling for a reduction and gradual phase-out of copper and other heavy metals from all automotive brake pads sold in those states by 2025.https://www.counterman.com/copper-d...e heat quickly,better they resist brake fade.
https://www.counterman.com/copper-d...e heat quickly,better they resist brake fade.

Seems like it would be a relatively small amount, even over time near a busy road, but I'm no scientist.
I pitty the poor penny ... Old Abe must feel like he's got a target on his back ... ffs what's next ...no, wait, surprise me
Civilization will die. At least western civilization. Not China, I will go find the link. Stream and river water samples in the Pacific Northwest, the main watersheds that nourish Salmon reproduction and sustain the species there contain a newly discovered pollutant. The pollutant is said to inhibit Salmon reproduction or be toxic to eggs, fry or the adults. Dunno, But I read it over the weekend. The rationale for my doom and gloom is that the pollutant is residue from motor vehicle tires. Ya ever wonder where all that rubber went that used to be your tread ?? :eek: Well now we know. If this is true, that shit is washing out to sea in Los Angeles where all the surface runoff is highly episodic and empties into the Pacific Ocean. About 15 million mutherfuckers worth. What's next ?

I think the State Water Regional Water Quality Control Boards should therefore require any municipality or agency with jurisdiction to immediately mandate studies of this public effluent and submit a plan of action and response. To me :eek:

I will shut down ALL traffic on rubber tires.

Fuck em' all.

Fish gotta fuck.

Tah Dah !! - https://news.wsu.edu/2020/12/03/tir...sible-adult-coho-salmon-deaths-urban-streams/
and wasn't it just a couple years ago that CA outlawed lead bullets so they switched to copper for hunting rounds?

i bought some ceramic bullets in CA a while back. man do they suck.
Seriously to assuage dear {gary} - Sounds like GM has to switch brake pads. Ya think they can handle that? Not asking if they should or it's rational or fair.
Seriously to assuage dear {gary} - Sounds like GM has to switch brake pads. Ya think they can handle that? Not asking if they should or it's rational or fair.

i really hope that they don't and CA/WA don't get delivery of the cars this year.

anybody that can afford it will pay the price to buy them from NV/OR anyways, so it will just add to the smugness of them :lmao:
i really hope that they don't and CA/WA don't get delivery of the cars this year.

anybody that can afford it will pay the price to buy them from NV/OR anyways, so it will just add to the smugness of them :lmao:

Park your Prius, tiny !! :laughing::laughing::laughing:
Hang on, lead bullets were bad, so we banned them for hunting, forcing hunters to use copper, or copper based bullets. Now copper is bad for the environment? 3. 2. 1. All bullets are outlawed because of the environment....
I am not shocked. Brake rotors have sucked since they labeled chromium a pollutant.
Seriously to assuage dear {gary} - Sounds like GM has to switch brake pads. Ya think they can handle that? Not asking if they should or it's rational or fair.

i really hope that they don't and CA/WA don't get delivery of the cars this year.

anybody that can afford it will pay the price to buy them from NV/OR anyways, so it will just add to the smugness of them :lmao:

If you had read the article it said that GM was working on changing the brakes for the 2022 model year cars so they'd be compliant.
So it's just fine to dump into freshwater ecosystems?

good for it even

"salt of the earth" is a positive way to describe people

"salted the fields of their enemy" was a way that people used to help out those they defeated

"salt the wound" hell, the stuff even helps people heal
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