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Minneapolis Council members want to defund police hire private security


Red Skull Member
May 20, 2020
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Like no one saw this coming :rolleyes:

Fuck the law abiding citizens as the political hacks are more important.
Cowards make death threats , If you believe you have a righteous cause you don't make feeble threats you get it done. :flipoff2:
That's pretty logical. I mean they managed to piss off evrey single demographic in the city, the cops sure as shit wont protect them.

Its Minnesota, they are a breed of retard all their own up there.
That's pretty logical. I mean they managed to piss off evrey single demographic in the city, the cops sure as shit wont protect them.

Its Minnesota, they are a breed of retard all their own up there.

Only because they wish to be Chicago.
Cartels eagerly watching, readying their payoffs and bribes. . . . .
Sure... get ride of the trained LEO and replace them with ACME security

The thunderous sound of lawyers stampeding to the region will be epic
Yep, that'll work great...since some of the armed private security are off duty police officers, and the rest are wannabes that couldn't hack it, and found a place that'll let them carry a gun that they don't k ow how to use anyway...
for me, but not for thee.

That's really the bottom line.
owned in part by the one or more of the city council members no doubt....
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