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Millie Weaver SNTF (Saturday Night Tin Foil)


Well-known member
May 23, 2020
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Hot chick arrested in Ohio right before she was going to release a documentary. From Heavy,com:


Millie Weaver is a conservative filmmaker who was arrested at her home in northeastern Ohiohours before she was scheduled to debut her new documentary called Shadow Gateon YouTube. Weaver claimed she had uncovered a plot, orchestrated by both major political parties, against President Donald Trump and that the documentary would explain how it all worked.

The timing of her arrest flamed conspiracy theories online, with critics wondering whether the arrest was related to the Shadow Gate documentary. Heavy has confirmed with the Portage County Jail that Weaver, along with her husband, were both arrested on August 14 on felony charges including robbery and domestic violence. There is no evidence to suggest her arrest was related to the documentary.

The Portage County Sheriff further confirmed via email that Weaver was arrested on an indictment from the Portage County Grand Jury. Heavy has reached out to the county prosecutor’s office to ask about obtaining a copy of the affidavit.
i hope she stays healthy...
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I would let her rob me and slapped me around a little for being a bad boy:laughing:
Calling BS on this. Too much attention whoring happens with this woman, although she has great tits and I generally agree with her opinions. Too convenient.
BS on what, that she was arrested?

I don't know who the fuck she is, but there's multiple local news stories about it.


Something is fishy with the timing of it, that's all. She really got arrested, but it's almost as if she knew when that would be and decided to release the film on about the same day. I know it doesn't make sense, but if she was really doing a service to the world here she would have just released the film for everyone to see. Now it has to be held up or something, maximize the drama, drag it out, all for those sweet clicks. The video she took of her arrest is also BS-worthy. I am skeptical of everything.
Something is fishy with the timing of it, that's all. She really got arrested, but it's almost as if she knew when that would be and decided to release the film on about the same day. I know it doesn't make sense, but if she was really doing a service to the world here she would have just released the film for everyone to see. Now it has to be held up or something, maximize the drama, drag it out, all for those sweet clicks. The video she took of her arrest is also BS-worthy. I am skeptical of everything.

click bait attention whores are always click bait attention whores.
click bait attention whores are always click bait attention whores.

Totally works though. You guys that know who she is proves that point.

I don't do Twitter, FB ect and had zero clue who she was before this thread popped up. Sounds like the OP and everyone that knows who she is are helping here get more clicks and attention by posting shit like this. :shaking:

IMO that chick ain't hot. She has a decent set of tits that are probably fake, and a dudes face. No thanks....
Totally works though. You guys that know who she is proves that point.

I don't do Twitter, FB ect and had zero clue who she was before this thread popped up. Sounds like the OP and everyone that knows who she is are helping here get more clicks and attention by posting shit like this. :shaking:

IMO that chick ain't hot. She has a decent set of tits that are probably fake, and a dudes face. No thanks....

I had no idea who this girl was until this thread.

I only googled because the first post mentioned she was local to me.
Someone watch that video and post up the cliffs. There is no way in hell I'm going to watch an hour and a half video that is probably a big nothingburger.....
I'm 8 minutes in and so far it's UTTER bullshit. L10N is some kinda of mind-altering way to communicate with other cultures, ShadowNet is some crazy way to infiltrate social networks. I hope it gets better than this. Let me guess, GPS satellites are tracking everyone, too.
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I'm 8 minutes and and so far it's UTTER bullshit. L10N is some kinda of mind-altering way to communicate with other cultures, ShadowNet is some crazy way to infiltrate social networks. I hope it gets better than this. Let me guess, GPS satellites are tracking everyone, too.

I watched it. Way to much tinfoil to keep track of.
I made it to 17 minutes. It's clear the two experts/whistle-blowers are total IT newbies using words for things they do not understand. This is all made up, but I'll keep watching. Usually if you have something real to tell people about you don't need to fluff it up with IT computer id10t-ramblings. These are people who haven't even upgraded an operating system before trying to sound like they know what's going on. Then some contractor got a KW hosting deal, oh boy! Now the private deep state knows everything mwuuuuuhhhhhahaahahahaaaa. Total BS, I'm done watching.
I edited the OP with a picture for the needy. I don’t know IT, but the things they were discussing in the video were more about politics and influence than tech. I think if the lady named Tore could do more to validate her claims it would be more believable. They do connect some dots that are disturbing if true.
Arresting Millie right before she was going to upload this mediocre production gives it more credibility than the facts they presented in the video.
I edited the OP with a picture for the needy. I don’t know IT, but the things they were discussing in the video were more about politics and influence than tech. I think if the lady named Tore could do more to validate her claims it would be more believable. They do connect some dots that are disturbing if true.
Arresting Millie right before she was going to upload this mediocre production gives it more credibility than the facts they presented in the video.

No, she doesn't know anything. They are twisting some very simple things around to make it sound like something nefarious is going on with these systems, like ShadowNet. That's not even remotely close to how they work. It has a scary name, though.

The dude on the motorcycle with his mobile whatever. Come on. What's the point of this again? Brennan can watch traffic from 10 angles? They are making incredible leaps in the beginning so I guess they will build from that, so I stopped watching it and drank some beer and welded some stuff.
YouTube pulled the video. She is set to be arraigned Monday morning. I watched it through the end, and it didn't build to a big gotcha. It layed out how social media is being used to alter people's views of the world. It was a bit mumbo jumbo in the beginning, but by the end it kinda makes sense.
YouTube pulled the video. She is set to be arraigned Monday morning. I watched it through the end, and it didn't build to a big gotcha. It layed out how social media is being used to alter people's views of the world. It was a bit mumbo jumbo in the beginning, but by the end it kinda makes sense.

"Social media being used to alter people's views. "

Thanks for the cliffs.

I think most here already knew that. This site is as deep as I go into social media........so I'm fucked:flipoff2:
The whole basis for the video is that the heads of the CIA, FBI, and other agencies have been moonlighting on the side by starting up their own independent consulting companies. Whenever data is processed, it remains in the system for 72 hours for FISA review and is then deleted from the networks, but these independent contractors have been backing everything up and using it for their own purposes. They sell info, put together targeted marketing and sway elections around the world. They used that tech in the US to help the Obama elections and used it in an attempt to sway the Trump election.

Cambridge Analytica is part of this network owned by a Washington government insider. They marketed data intentionally to promote the Trump campaign, then turned around and leaked the information to the media saying that it was all a Russian hack and influence program. We now have testimony and documentation showing that it was all a set up to bury Trump starting back in 2015. Trump never used Cambridge Analytica, they ran their own program to set him up and pretend it was Russian collusion with Trumps involvement. Once again, this frame up has all been documented.

This type of info can be used for blackmail against anyone. Once they copy all internet traffic, phone calls, and financial data streaming across the internet, they can use it against you whenever the want, and since they are highly placed in government, they can get away with it. None of this information is available to you because the FOIA process only works for government documents, and contractors can retain their own records without any oversight.

The whole basis for the video is that the heads of the CIA, FBI, and other agencies have been moonlighting on the side by starting up their own independent consulting companies. Whenever data is processed, it remains in the system for 72 hours for FISA review and is then deleted from the networks, but these independent contractors have been backing everything up and using it for their own purposes. They sell info, put together targeted marketing and sway elections around the world. They used that tech in the US to help the Obama elections and used it in an attempt to sway the Trump election.

Cambridge Analytica is part of this network owned by a Washington government insider. They marketed data intentionally to promote the Trump campaign, then turned around and leaked the information to the media saying that it was all a Russian hack and influence program. We now have testimony and documentation showing that it was all a set up to bury Trump starting back in 2015. Trump never used Cambridge Analytica, they ran their own program to set him up and pretend it was Russian collusion with Trumps involvement. Once again, this frame up has all been documented.

This type of info can be used for blackmail against anyone. Once they copy all internet traffic, phone calls, and financial data streaming across the internet, they can use it against you whenever the want, and since they are highly placed in government, they can get away with it. None of this information is available to you because the FOIA process only works for government documents, and contractors can retain their own records without any oversight.


You really need to loosen the tinfoil.
You really need to loosen the tinfoil.

It's all been documented, there's no tinfoil. If you willingly choose to avoid the truth, that's your business. When Durham rolls out his recommendations for indictment, likely before Labor Day, we will revisit this topic.

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