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May 24, 2021
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Who gets them and how do you deal.

My wife gets them really bad. Probably 6 to 10 a year, often times ends up in the emergency room on fluids because she can’t keep anything down. She has Relpax, reglin, Imitrex, torodol and Zofran.

I just gave her an IM of Torodol and she just wants to die “I can’t do this anymore” she had a bad one last Saturday as well. I feel so bad for her because I act like a wuss when I get a bad headache, but I know mine don’t even compare.

We know what the triggers are, msg, artificial sweeteners, blue cheese, etc.

Looking for advice or anyone who’s had positive experiences with a migraine specialist, where they are located, etc.

I know she’s not being dramatic because she has an incredible pain tolerance. I’m not talking about people who get a “migraine” and take a “few excedrin” and go to work. She is home sick and I sometimes will come home and find her in the fetal position on the bathroom floor. She pukes and poops and it’s bad.

Doesn’t drink and the only “drugs” are thc tincture when she catches them early. Sometimes the tincture works, and sometimes it doesn’t. It’s a crap shoot.

What say IBB?
I got no help but she has my sympathy.. I am a wuss when it comes to headaches as well. I can't imagine how bad your wife's headaches are if she's puking and pooping.. :frown:
Frequent migrines.

I have a headache nearly every day. Degree of severity is the only thing that changes. I'll work through them and get to the point that I'll get overheated and feel like puking/puke, but I've also found myself waking up on the ground with the dog licking me awake.

I've been all over meds. They've thrown everything at me trying to get rid of them.

The current thing is what Walter Reed gave me. I forget the name of the shit, but it's like an epipen. After I inject myself I have about 20 seconds to find a spot to be for a few hours.

About 20 seconds after injecting myself I start getting dizzy, my throat constricts and I get a weird taste in my mouth, my scalp starts tingling and feels like it's burning - like it's got Icy Hot or some shit on it.

And then I end up sleepy.

What sucks is that when I get to the point of taking those shots, it hurts to put my head on a pillow.

Oh, and I have a limit of how many of those shots a week I can take.

So when you have a migraine and can't take the shit because you've already had your fill for the week you either work through them and puke/wake up on the floor or just don't do shit that day. :homer:
I’d have to check on what pills I have. I get ocular migraines. Lots of fun. Anyways something I came across by accident on one of my episodes. Normally their is a progression when one is on its way and I can take the meds with water or Gatorade to get ahead of it. Anyways one time all I had available was pineapple juice. It was crazy it cut my downtime to less than a quarter of what it usually was. Thinking it was a fluke, I had it on hand for my next episode. Same results.

She may want to try it.
my tiggers are artifical sweeteners and bright lights. last one I walked into the bosses office ant the lighting got me. walking outside on a bright satuday morning- Boom. walking out into a parking lot, reflection off white work truck-Boom. Country time lemonade-Boom.
As a sufferer of migraines I want to throat punch people that claim they have migraines but are able to continue to function. That shit makes you feel like you’re in that movie scanners where the head blows up.

I take podrin and migrazone whenever I start to get the aura and it usually stops them….hopefully
Thanks guys. This is good stuff. The meds usually make her feel “icky” and she says it feels like someone is zapping her brain and feels like hungover and off the next day.

Keep it coming.
I saw a specialist and got these nasal inhalers that would stop it almost instantly. $45 each though. It got expensive. I'll try to find what they're called.

High CBD weed really helped me. Needs to be the good shit from someone that knows what they're doing though.

Does she keep a journal of what triggers them and when?

I'm sorry your wife is going through this. If you have firearms keep them locked up. If she gets them that severe ending it seems like a favorable option. I've came close.
I get them, a few a month

They are intense, as in if I don't stop the world and address them I will be vomiting kinda bad

you will not find me without a Sumatriptan close by ever

Sumatriptan kills the headache, it does bring the 'yuk'
upsets your stomach, makes you really tired, but I will take those over vomiting out my nose and preying for death :laughing:

Best for me was Relpax, I don't remember the side effects at all, but insurance has hurt feelings with it, so I roll with it

As soon as you even start thinking that you are getting a migraine, stop and address it.

Good luck, they suck I hope you get rid of them
and like already suggested, keep a journal
foods, sleep habits, girly cycles, activities.......

My bet the doctor will give you that homework anyway, that way you can just hand it to them and save a doctors appointment
I get a few a month. It's a brutal time. Most last about 10hrs. I usually get a warning with tension and cracking in my neck night before, terrible pain starts in my head, then swelling pressure follows. Can't function, talk, and barely eat/drink. I do find very spicy food and wasabi helps me if I can eat it. I get pressure and it seems to relieve it putting me tward recovery.

Got a few triggers I stay away from. I don't drink at all any more, it would start one by the 2nd beer. Chocolate or sweet stuff seems to be another for me, especially if eaten in the evening. 50% of the time i get it with no explanation. Identifying and avoiding triggers is the best solution.
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I've been getting them since 5th grade, 35+ years now. I get what back then they called the "classic" migraine. Loss of sight, then headache, then puking uncontrollably from the pain. I've only been to the ER with them once, when the vision loss wouldn't go away.

As I've gotten older they've become less severe, but they still mess me up. While I'm having them I have trouble remembering things, names especially, and am better off just laying in a dark room till they are over.

I've tried multiple meds and ended up deciding to just deal with them. I feel bad for anyone that gets them, they suck ass.
I haven't had one in about 20 years before that they would last a week, get them a couple times a year, light or noise would have me puking.
Seriously? I didn't think it was used in anything anymore. That's weird. I remember it was a big deal in the 80s bc chinese food had it.
Reason I am up on it is because my wife gets migraines from MSG. The only chips I know that don't have any is pork rinds.

"Monosodium Glutamate"
Baked and Kettle cooked.

Technically they are able to get away with it since chips "are not part of the balanced diet". And a real whammo these days... MSG is still fully approved by the FDA.:homer:
Check Dr Berg or Dr Berry videos on them. They both give some diagnostics to check for on which routes to take.
Sometimes I get them from sinuses or my dang pillow

Aged cheese and god knows whatever else kicks mine off, luckily they've really tapered off after about 25. I have Sumatriptan as mentioned before, and it helps alot compared to the Excedrin and puking days. I'm "lucky" in that I start to go numb from my left finger tips all the way up to my face. When I lose vision in my left eye is when the pain hits, so I have an hour or better to take meds and find a dark comfortable place to spend the next few hours.
I do 4 Advil and a cold rag in the cold dark room. I also found that a foot massage helps a ton. I get about 6 a year. Debilitating.
Puking isn't THAT bad.
until you have a migraine that is bad enough to make you puke, and you realize that when you puke your blood pressure spikes, spiking the pain in your migraine, and the cycle continues

migraines are the real not-fucking-around deal

but, man....you don't want to start that cycle
until you have a migraine that is bad enough to make you puke, and you realize that when you puke your blood pressure spikes, spiking the pain in your migraine, and the cycle continues

migraines are the real not-fucking-around deal

but, man....you don't want to start that cycle
I have never had one that didn't make me puke. I have meds from the doc but they are of course pills. Even the doc never said anything about other options.
I don’t know if what I get is migraines or not. I get these spells where I get blind spots and can only see out my peripheral vision. If I try and look directly at something it disappears. Usually lasts about 20 minutes and goes away. I can tell when one is coming on it starts as weird spots in my vision. Seems like light triggers them.
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