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Mice amd bait blocks (yes another thread)


Nov 24, 2022
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So I tries Tomcat bait blocks, and the mice went through 4 pounds like candy.

I got a 5 gallon bucket of Contact bait blocks (stronger industrial stuff) and they re just going at it like candy again. I left a lid open one day, and the next day 1/4 of the bucket was gone (with little rat/mice poop)

How do the mice not only survive this stuff, but actually use it as food?

I am trying the bucket thing next and regular mouse traps, but this baffles me.
I have three of the live catch traps that are around 12" long and put peanut butter in there. Will catch one a night in each trap a d dump them in a 5 allon bucket with water in it. Speaking of 5 gallon bucket...those traps that go on the bucket and have the trapped door work, but not nearly as well as the live catch trap.

Plus I have 2 cats.

I have mice, but they are under control.
if the blocks aren't held in place they aren't eating them they are just taking them back to store for later.

Ill be damned. I did see a block away from the bucket, I didnt think they could do that
A out-of-state friend got some 2 inch PVC pipe, cut at 1 foot sections drilled holes in the ends. Ran mechanics wire through a product called Just One Bite he secured the blocks in the tube took care of his rodent problem. He told me it took a few days for it to work

Sorry, contrac not contact is what I used.

Note Calufornia has put this under restricted pest control license use, but I foune someone to ship it. So its gotta be good stuff
For mice I set regular traps with Nutella. I think if the problem has gone on enough the mice have built up a tolerance to the poison.
We had a bad mouse problem at the shop.
I built a bucket trap plus put some old fashioned snap traps baited with peanut butter.

Wasn't even 20 mins after setting the traps I hear one trip and a Yelp. And my dog walking by with a trap on his tongue
We had a bad mouse problem at the shop.
I built a bucket trap plus put some old fashioned snap traps baited with peanut butter.

Wasn't even 20 mins after setting the traps I hear one trip and a Yelp. And my dog walking by with a trap on his tongue
Was at dinner with friends tonight and one of their daughters called. She put out a glue trap and caught her cat. Used canola oil to free the cat and has bathed it 3 times but now water just beads up on it. We were rolling while she was telling us. :lmao:
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Good old fashioned traps for sure with PB or Nutella as mentioned . They’d get active enough at a friends shop we would sit quietly in the center of the room drinking beer and place them as we saw them . We would catch a bunch 😂
I have a truck with packrats. I parked it out away from everything else. I put a live trap with a jar with penutbutter inside tin foil in it. I put in about 6 bags of rat poison and a bucket trap. Most of the poison is gone. I have not noticed any more dropping in it and never caught anything in the bucket trap.
if the blocks aren't held in place they aren't eating them they are just taking them back to store for later.
I put mouse baits out in the shop once. Most of it ended up in the exhaust of a motorcycle parked next to the bait.
Pop a bag of popcorn, then crush up about 1/4 of the bag by hand into a container, take a bar of soap and use a cheese grader to finely grade about an inch or so off the end of the bar into the popcorn. Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda in and thoroughly mix it together.

Take the mix and put it in a couple different areas for the mice to find/eat.
I have caught 2 in the last 2 days. We had mice in the garage a few years ago. Wife saw one the other day, found the old trap and it still had peanut butter on it so I said fuck it and set it. Next day I had one to toss in the garbage. Same trap and caught another. Keep in mind this is YEARS old peanut butter and not much at that. I wouldn’t bother with bait because I don’t want to find dead ones where I can’t get to them.
it doesn't take much. When I first got a bait stations to house the traps I put a smear of peanut butter to entice them into the station, turns out the fuckers will eat the plastic away where the peanut butter WAS while their dead cousin is dead in the trap. I don't worry about baiting them anymore, just the smell of peanut butter on the trip plate is enough to get them to come in.
Was at dinner with friends tonight and one of their daughters called. She put out a glue trap and caught her cat. Used canola oil to free the cat and has bathed it 3 times but now water just beads up on it. We were rolling while she was telling us. :lmao:
She must not have been using Dawn. :flipoff2:
My neighbor had huge Areca palms all along their property line. Like 40 of them. Those things are the perfect rat habitat and the population soon reached capacity.

I kept a few bait stations along the fence line to keep any that decided to explore my direction from progressing to far. Never had the delusion that it would eliminate them, just wanted to do what I could do so there would always be a vacancy on that side of the fence and they wouldn’t need to venture too far.

New owners just moved in and had all the palms ripped out, so waiting to see how all that shakes out.
Yeah, no sticky traps, we have lizards and rabbits and I like those little guys. Had to save a small lizard off a sticky trap while back, not fun peelibg his little toes off. But I saved him. :grinpimp:
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