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** Meme **


When I was working as a risk manager for large event security I heard that a lot, usually after telling someone they were way too drunk to remain within the venue. "I'M OFFENDED!" I would always respond with "Nobody cares if your offended", "Nobody cares about your feelings", or if I was feeling compassionate "Your feelings are not the issue here", and tell the regular guards to toss them out. Or have the police do whatever they were going to do with them if they were too drunk to kick out into the world and their friends were sick of having to leave a event early because of their dumb drunk ass. I never got a complaint.
The more I look at that, the funnier it gets.

Had idiots like that all the time when I lived next to a gas station. Every winter, they come up from the bay area heading to Tahoe in the snow. Over and over you see them put chains on the rear tires of a front wheel drive car. Morons.
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