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** Meme **

All good points. but you'd think there would be a least one or two. That would be my approach, find the girls and use them to out everyone.

There has been one or two girls that came out about it. Saw a documentary somewhere about Ghisele. Seems our prosecuting arm wasnt interested. Doesnt help it took place in a foreign country.

aaaand obligatory meme:


Why has not a single female victim come forward to try and sue any politician?

probably been paid off already

Payoffs and non-disclosure agreements? It was made clear that any public statement could result in a disappearing?

It is possible that many of the young girls/children are still in the slavery industry. Good chance they had no idea who they were being abused by to even lodge a complaint. Could be any that got out are simply happy to be alive and put it all behind them.

All good points. but you'd think there would be a least one or two. That would be my approach, find the girls and use them to out everyone.

Because they're all dead? You think those creepy pedo's left any of those little girls alive to tattle on them? :homer:

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