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** Meme **

A part time neighbor was having a boys weekend at his cabin. He invited me over for the evening. Well someone was cooking up ribeyes for everyone. So why not? I almost always have my mora on my belt just because its a great tool. Well city boys dont need to cut their steak if the wife isn’t around and they were using hands. Cool. Well one dude asks the host, “Do you have any knives to cut my steak.” Well he got called out and then asks for a pocket knife an was denied. Finally I began to feel bad and handed him my mora. Its pretty much a razor and slices right through the steak. After about his 3rd bite he looks at me and asks if I have ever gutted an animal with it. I simply look at him and say not today. He hands the knife back to me and goes with his fingers. :lmao::lmao: Fucking city boi. I then tell him I have butchered and gutted too many fish and mammals to count with it. He was not amused but the rest of the group was dying laughing. I know cool story.
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