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** Meme **

:confused:....it is

going to speculate

you are referring to riding position/leg stuck?
ever watch MX? there is a very good chance that isn't even his bike

the tough ones to watch is when they are stuck, and the throttle is stuck wide open
Fuck me, meant to say right leg. Left leg stuck on the right side of bike, what the hell made that happen?
Fuck me, meant to say right leg. Left leg stuck on the right side of bike, what the hell made that happen?
Probably not his bike but rather another bike slightly ahead on the inside of a L/H corner, stick foot out for the corner and into the wheel of the other bike. Or he fucked up a trick....
That's Ernie Borgnine from the movie, The Vikings. He was always fun to watch in the old B&W movies.


I always loved that movie. It had everything. Eyeballs gouged out. Hands cut off. Was terrific.
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