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Dino Riders!!!

I had an up-armored Triceratops and most of the series on VHS, even the VHS tapes had commercials. Weird ass series, the good guys were humans and the bad guys were all anthropomorphized lizards, frogs, and sharks, etc. both factions space ships wound up on earth 65 million years ago with dinosaurs and they outfit them with armor and weapons to fight each other. Humans' communicated with and befriended the dinos through telepathy so their dinos fought on their own volition, but the bad guys had to use mind control devices, "brain boxes." Basically every 8 year old boy's dream come true.

The Dino Riders VHS commercials are what led to me getting a Tyco R/C Heads Up. :smokin:

Late '80s toys were bad ass.

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