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** Meme **

I would have crapped if that was true, but it's not.
video wants to blame everyone but the kid throwing the punches
Well to be fair it is the school system as well as the family unit that is responsible. The kids in a ay are the symptoms of the real problems. The zero tolerance policy at least in this state was the beginning of the end. You cant really get rid of the bad ones because racists or discriminatory for whatever reason. So those kids still stay in the schools but are unafraid of getting hit because the good kids play by the rules and the rules say you can be out with one offense. The school system has fostered the bullying for sure. Shitty parents or lack there of play an equal role.
This is one of my neighbors. They painted the length of the outside of their fence rainbow colors, have a bunch of woke slogans on it. Two cameras watching it, because they can't see it from their house, and don't have to look at it. Stuck into the ground in front of the fence are two signs, one against backyard granny flats, the other against low income housing in the area.
I would have crapped if that was true, but it's not.
Sure looks like a black kid throwing blows on a white girl. I bet she deserved it too. This is how you avoid a generation of pussies. You let them fight it out and the school doesn’t get involved.
I bet she doesn’t run her 9 year old mouth again to this kid.


The conditioning is ongoing.....

Primary school pupils to be offered insects to eat in 'alternative protein' study

An 'alternative protein' resembling mince will be used at four primary schools to teach youngsters about the impact of food on the environment

Children at four primary schools will be offered insect protein during workshops to gauge youngsters' appetite for "alternative protein". The children will reportedly be given a product called VeXo, a combination of insect and plant-based protein.

The product is said to look like "conventional" mince. The i newspaper said researchers are hoping to use data from the study to learn how best to educate children about the nutritional and environmental benefits of eating creepy crawlies - such as crickets, grasshoppers, silkworms, locusts and mealworms.

The investigation, which will use children aged from 5-11, is being led by Christopher Bear at Cardiff University. The study will use surveys, workshops, interviews and focus groups to explore young people’s understandings of alternative proteins - and as part of the research they will be offered a sample if they wish to try it, the Daily Star reports.

Mr Bear told the i: “We want the children to think about alternative proteins as real things for now, rather than just as foods for the future, so trying some of these foods is central to the research. Although edible insects are – for now – not sold widely in the UK, they form part of the diet of around 2 billion people worldwide.



Sure looks like a black kid throwing blows on a white girl. I bet she deserved it too. This is how you avoid a generation of pussies. You let them fight it out and the school doesn’t get involved.
I bet she doesn’t run her 9 year old mouth again to this kid.

You missed the point. I responded to the meme that claimed the article portrayed the attacker as white. It was fake.
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