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Although you're correct on the droplet part, it really depends on how close the electric line is to you and the voltage/current of the electric line.

Another Mythbusters erroneous finding.

It will definitely shock you, as my buddy back in middle school found out when I told him don't do it.... he did, got shocked and whined about it for a good 15-20 mins. LoL!

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Another Mythbusters erroneous finding.

It will definitely shock you, as my buddy back in middle school found out when I told him don't do it.... he did, got shocked and whined about it for a good 15-20 mins. LoL!
Yep...my cousin pissed on one while we were out hunting. I imagine from the screaming he did, he'd argue it can.

Oh, and meme
lie-brown-snoopy-according-to-cdc-shut-the-fuck-up (002).jpg

Although you're correct on the droplet part, it really depends on how close the electric line is to you and the voltage/current of the electric line.

It for sure can kill you. Every year plenty of homeless and other skegs in the NYC subway system die this way. Usually including setting themselves on fire at feet and genitals. 600 vdc is serious business.
It for sure can kill you. Every year plenty of homeless and other skegs in the NYC subway system die this way. Usually including setting themselves on fire at feet and genitals. 600 vdc is serious business.
I'll bet a third rail is different than a fence charger.

"Pee on it, the drops will save you!" sounds a lot like a Tidepod challenge trap, though. :laughing:

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