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** Meme **

BBC has always had strange shows

Dude, how did this thread turn into Stormfront bullshit?
haha yeah you can tell they're nazis because of their red hats and how the media tells us that they are subhuman monsters to be vilified
oh wait

I was this many years old when I learned what stormfront was :homer:.
Fun fact: you couldn't say the reggin on stormfront long before it reached its universal online censorship status
we're deleting the posts of anyone that questions anything at all related to the current official narrative of the holocaust
because censorship is good or something?
To say that the official narrative shouldn’t ever be questioned is wrong. To say that millions of people who were on the collective census records between the wars just vanished without explanation is also incorrect.
we're deleting the posts of anyone that questions anything at all related to the current official narrative of the holocaust
because censorship is good or something?
I missed it, too. Must have been good to get canned that quick.
So, just random Hitler stuff or anything higher brow than that?
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I missed it, too. Must have been good to get canned that quick.
So, just random Hitler stuff or anything higher brow than that?
The “facts” about the hidden history of “the manufactured narrative of the holocaust”. All those who think the Jews invented it, talk to and old Romanian Gypsy (if they will talk to you) or anyone else on the “undesirables” list. I suppose the Jews got them to falsify the records too? There were plenty of records. The narrative got buried pretty quick due to wanting to integrate W Germany into nato and use the work of the Nazi scientists guilt-free.
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This is a meme from facebook just now(it's been there since January). Is this bad and bound to be deleted? I think it's bad, that's my opinion. You should never say that people that were killed without comitting serious crime deserved it.
This is a meme from facebook just now(it's been there since January). Is this bad and bound to be deleted? I think it's bad, that's my opinion. You should never say that people that were killed without comitting serious crime deserved it.

Another FB one.

Another one from FB pushing the buttons.:eek:

Did your mother have any children that lived?


Ask Spawny how that works.
we're deleting the posts of anyone that questions anything at all related to the current official narrative of the holocaust
because censorship is good or something?

Appears so. Stuff I found due to Kanye and the shit he stirred up.

Whether you agree or not, it should prompt discussion and people to do their own research. One even had references to the sources of the statement.

No different than flat earth theory. The whole idea may seem crazy, but I’ll still take the time to research the theory.

Instead shit here gets deleted. No message about it, nothing.
Appears so. Stuff I found due to Kanye and the shit he stirred up.

Whether you agree or not, it should prompt discussion and people to do their own research. One even had references to the sources of the statement.

No different than flat earth theory. The whole idea may seem crazy, but I’ll still take the time to research the theory.
Look, I'm part jew and had listened to the stories of the atrocious shit that many went through. Families destroyed, people murdered and abused beyond what many would call "cruel" and evil. That said, if you want to relay ignorance and straight up dumb information... go right ahead. There are countless places around that will entertain the information you want to display. Literally tons of websites that incite hate and ignorance. The point is that Austin doesn't want it HERE. It's his place. Me? I could care less... I am happy to put ignorance in it's place when encountered and would love some lively debate. THIS thread is NOT the place though. You know that, you crossed a line.
Instead shit here gets deleted. No message about it, nothing.
Pick another thread... this is the MEME thread. This is your message.
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