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** Meme **

Fuck it....I'm not checking shit. To my knowledge its still legal to laugh hysterically at them. If or when asked what I'm laughing at, your retardation is usually the answer.


My daughter's 14yo girl friend goes by "Carl". I usually call her Fred or George. :homer:
My wife and I are trying to keep it real. Have to check ourselves in public occasionally.
Mine are still young Im trying so hard to raise them the way I was raised. They fall I tell em to get up and wipe it off. The younger parents on the playground are just appalled when i dont rush right over and gush over them. Most of my age friends are becoming grandparents and I cringe when i see what theyre dealing with. I really weep for kids futures.
Mine are still young Im trying so hard to raise them the way I was raised. They fall I tell em to get up and wipe it off. The younger parents on the playground are just appalled when i dont rush right over and gush over them. Most of my age friends are becoming grandparents and I cringe when i see what theyre dealing with. I really weep for kids futures.
Mine are young as well. One of mine started crying because he didnt get his way. A few friends looked at me to see if I was going to do anything. I replied “He’s fine, just looks like his estrogen spiked up a bit. It will come back down.” Most laughed bystanders looked like they wanted to call CPS.

Last year a friend of mine brought a new guy from work into the group. Nice kid, early 30s kind of funny, but real urban. Hes a little millenialish in his behaviour, but from what i understand his dad wasnt much of a guys guy so he never really learned how to do outdoor shit. So anyway he decides he was gonna do something similar and just go running through the woods on a neighboring lease wearing a bigfoot outfit so they see him on the game cams. I know the guys on the lease, and they are good people but theyre the target audience for The Jerry Springer show. As funny as that would have been , we had to explain to him why running through the woods dressed as sasquatch in the middle of nowhere surrounded by rednecks at deer camp was a bad idea.
Mine are young as well. One of mine started crying because he didnt get his way. A few friends looked at me to see if I was going to do anything. I replied “He’s fine, just looks like his estrogen spiked up a bit. It will come back down.” Most laughed bystanders looked like they wanted to call CPS.

Oh fuck! Im so throwing that out on the playground.
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