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Funny they haven't banned Woody yet. Prison white pride gets Woody tats. Cause "peckerwood" is code for "proud white man".
This guy is the Brit version of the voice in my head lately :lmao:

Have you heard they are now trying to write Churchill out of the English history books because he was a raciest. On Google he disappeared as one of the leaders in WW 2 but Hitler was kept!
Have you heard they are now trying to write Churchill out of the English history books because he was a raciest. On Google he disappeared as one of the leaders in WW 2 but Hitler was kept!

Wow!! :eek:

My wife is right... we need more ammo
Winston Churchill's picture mysteriously vanishes from Google amid rising tensions

Churchill’s own granddaughter, Emma Soames, speculated that the statue may need to be moved to a museum, while the statue has been vigorously defended by Britain’s current prime minister, Boris Johnson, who considers Churchill his personal hero.

The statue then had to be put under a protective covering

I know it isn't a meme but still
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