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** Meme **




I graduated hs in 06, I HATED history in school. "memorize this date and these names, ect" not really learning the importance of it.

I absolutely love history now, local, US, global, ect.

I have always been interested in history, but my interest really took off when I had a crazy US history teacher in high school. He made learning about history fun and interesting. I think I’ve passed that onto my kids. My youngest got excited when she learned she would be able to vote in a presidential election in the 100th anniversary Year of the 19th amendment :grinpimp:
I had an 8th grade history teacher that made it fun, for the boston tea party, we learned to drink tea the English way so we would understand the significance of the gesture, then for the battle of breeds hill we recreated it on a sheet of plywood complete with paiting the lead soldiers, not sure if it is still there but at one time it was displayed in the library under a glass case considering that was close to 50 years ago I am sure it no longer exists.

When I went to college I had Dr. Sturgis as a history professor twice a week after roll call he woudl start in he made American history so interesting that you didn't realize that the hour had passed till he said will start there next time. The rest of time you had your head down taking notes, he also taped his lectures I wish I knew where my copies had disappeared tobut like all things in my life that too was many years ago

I think all TV's are now smart. It wouldn't be hard to detect a stolen TV via the device hardware credentials. ( i.e MAC address) It would be a fucking hoot if manufactures could "brick" a stolen TV!
I think all TV's are now smart. It wouldn't be hard to detect a stolen TV via the device hardware credentials. ( i.e MAC address) It would be a fucking hoot if manufactures could "brick" a stolen TV!

From what I hear, that's what Apple did to their devices in the stores. If stolen, they are all locked out and tracked.
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