I learned to shoot pistol with a .22LR Duramatic. Still have it, still fun to shoot, still works. It broke a firing pin at least 45 years ago and my Dad took it to the police range to get fixed. Came back with a cigar box full of extra parts, 4 or 5 magazines and several barrels of different lengths. Apparently, when they were sending firearms used in a crime over to the range to be processed for destruction, the range master would strip them and just destroy the frames. Had a entire room full of gun parts and would repair guns for people who knew about it for free. He took a practical approach to a job he didn't like doing. I have a box full of parts for various firearms I had when younger (1911, 10-22, 870 and 1100 barrels, bunch of K and L frame S&W grips, etc.). If I remember correctly that practice was ended in the 80's, which is when Dad brought home a big box full of parts. Ahhhh, the good old days...